
Comic Zeichner Walter Moers in Schloss Oberhausen: Auf nach Zamonien!

Comic Zeichner Walter Moers in Schloss Oberhausen: Auf nach Zamonien!

On Sunday, the Ludwig-Galerie Oberhausen places itself in the world of fantasy of the painter and storyteller Walter Moers with his squiggly cheeses and crazy figures. Under the motto “What is there to laugh about?” more than 300 original images, dolls and animations from the Cosmos were seen as comic art. A natural image of the credibility of the title in Blaubär, the “Little Arschloch” or “Adolf the Nazi Sau” not.

The upward power of the shadow power is the central figure of the Roman novel by Walter Moers with the fictional continent of the Zamon: Hildegunst von Mythenmetz, in the “Labyrinth der Träumenden Bücher”. In the large format, an overview of other fable figures, the green Lindwurm depicts himself with shave-teeth and false blue on the title motif of the Ausstellung. Aus gutem Grund, is gilded as a favorite figure and alter ego of the most successful bestseller authors of Walter Moers. It is only known that the true 67-year-old originates from Mönchengladbach and has long lived in Hamburg.

Parody Fantasy: A picture of Ensel and Krete from the Walter Moers Exhibition.

© Penguin Verlag in the Penguin Random House Verlagsgruppe GmbH, Munich

“Ein Buch von mir ohne Illustrationen kan ich mir nicht vorellen, Bilder müssen immer dabei sein”, says in a seiner seiner seltenen Interviews on the eigenen Website. The Ausstellung ermöglicht, de Entstehungsprozess etlicher Illustrations des Bleistiftskizze über de Tuschezeichnung bis are situtlicher Farbgebung und voor Titelbilder nachzuvollziehen.

This is the Buchlinge and the great Bücherdrache, the Tratschwellen and the Lügengladiators, the Küstengnom Queekwigg or the Dichtpate Danzelot von Silbendrechsler. See all the sounds of Walter Moers parodying Fantasy in Wort and Bild. Associations are erwünscht: in the book title „Ensel und Krete“ and the new band is „Das Einhörnchen, das rückwärts leben wolllte: Zwanzig zamonic Flabeln“ or the Button „Make Laugh Not War!“.

Blaubär im Schiff der Zwergpiraten from Walter Moers’ „Die 13½ Liven des Käpt’n Blaubär“.

© © Penguin Verlag in the Penguin Random House Verlagsgruppe GmbH, Munich

“Walter Moers is the most influential Zeichner and Autor der Deutschen Szene,” said Museumsleiterin Christine Vogt. A Münchner verleger and slow road warrior Wolfgang Ferchl spoke of the “Grace of double teaching”. The following work has been done during the life of children and adults: “In this year’s exhibition of 40 years of German humor.”

Didn’t Raum one of the best known Moers figures, Kapt’n Blaubär, der mit seinen Lugengeschichten in der “Sendung mit der Maus” ganze Kindergenerationen prägte. With Freund Hein Blöd and others, dolls are truly original. Everything is no longer long. “That’s the last chance, that the puppies are still alive, they will fall so soon,” says the Kölner Puppenbauer Carsten Sommer.

Test run for your own “Moerseum”?

Der Blaubär appeared in 1999 with “Die 13½ Leben des Kapt n Blaubär” for the Auftakt der Romane from Zamonien. “We thank the Zamonie dem WDR,” said Verleger Ferchl. Denn Moers is working on the character blessing.

A cover of Walter Moers’ Reihe „Kleines Arschloch“.

© © Walter Moers

As long as the war with the artist was going on, it took a long time before the comic-zeichner began, his creations were cult: the parody of „Adolf the Nazi Sau“ or the in unzählige variants appeared well-known figures „Das Kleine Arschloch“. Look, it is a pity of the retreats. You can see such a parody of art history in the “Kleine Arschloch” in notorious works of art with Edvard Munchs Schrei or Edward Hopper’s Nachtschwarmer.

This time is dedicated to the Museumsleiterin Vogt Gespräche for our own “Moerseum” as Dauerausstellung in Oberhausen aus de Beständen Seines Vorlasses. “The design is consistent, we have a great focus on our work and a good understanding of our work,” said this. It was not possible for the financing to yield 20 million euros. The new publication „Was you able to laugh?“ is due on January 19th. (epd)