
Action Analysis – Fund Analysis

Action Analysis – Fund Analysis

Action Analysis – Fund Analysis Maciej Gaj,

Maciej Gaj is in active trading since the year 2007 and started with the self-taught analysis of the chart analysis and financial markets, which is fascinated in his best time. The last time the chart technology was developed by GodmodeTrader in May 2010, is a technical analyst with Schwerpunkt to analyzes of companies for the German market and the war in the US.

If you post a message about the market reports of American Indian and American American economies, you can send messages to previous Entwicklung in the US.

Since January 2012 we have gone to Direktbroker Trading-House, which acts as a broker and does all the investments on the CFD blog. Since January 2014 there is a list at Bö with the categories “Rohstoffe/Devisen”, “Faktor” and “Most Wanted”.

All articles are written by authors