
Hangover after the Oktoberfest? These Tipps help me during the night Tag | Living & Erasing

Hangover after the Oktoberfest? These Tipps help me during the night Tag | Living & Erasing

Good luck, enjoy Essen, Beer and Alcohol in the future: The Oktoberfest finds out more!

We know it: Der Abend war gut, die Stimmung fröhlich and das some Glass war auch dabei. And then comes the morning of tomorrow: Kopfschmerzen, Schwindel and Übelkeit.

If you don’t see any more big beer, tomorrow will be fresh in the Tag that starts, and here gives tips for the Hangover am Morgen. Read here all the tricks on the Oktoberfest-Schädel.

How long does a hangover last?

After boiling alcohol can most with kopfschmerzen, schwindel or Übelkeit on: Umgangssprachlich with the “hangover” generated. There are peculiar products that cause alcohol poisoning.

Who else wants that? There are two ways to use eight alcoholic beverages and choose from three other products. As a rule, the wind changes after 24 hours.

Gibt es Essen, to avoid the hangover?

Whoever gets to that point Octoberfest it is good to have a good Grundlage. Here it is difficult and useful to know that it is possible to take the next step Alcohol in the Blutbahn. Schnitzel or Pommes with Mayo is ideal. If you are at the Oktoberfest, you can find reichlich and posh Essen.

Was it enhanced this effect? ​​Drink a glass of olive oil before the party. It is so that it can take a long time before you can continue working longer.

There are a few vitamins and minerals with calcium, magnesium, potassium, vitamin B and vitamin C. That can help sports before sports, a hangover or avoid. So there can be alcohol loss.

A sauerkraut pleases the hangover with vitamin C

A sauerkraut pleases the hangover with vitamin C

Photo: picture alliance / Zoonar

Who can still be a tomcat?

If you eat something, the hangover falls out. It is possible that the Wiesn-Maß does not fall under the las. Therefore: Avoid drinking something else. A hangover can begin.

Enjoy the fresh air, bring it in orderly material. Tomorrow I can be positive about death Headaches auswirken. Zugleich is a sin if you offend the schlafen.

Was Hilft Schnell over the hangover?

Who doesn’t know? A glass bier follow the night and the head of the slumber in the following morning. Do your prevention with a simple trick: If you use a glass of alcohol, you can drink a glass of water! So make sure that the water is hydrated and that the gefürchteten Hangover is warmed.

Before you get into the game, here’s the golden rule: Drink plenty of water! When alcohol has lost its peculiarity, the extinguisher is that kidney function is affected. But no worries – with sufficient water the blood is thinner and the hangover is best avoided.

For a glass cleaner drink

For a glass cleaner drink

Photo: picture alliance / photo library

Also interesting: Electrolyte-Glucose Mixtures! You can make it Body With any mineral substances and mixtures, the fluid house will be brought back into balance.

Another story: A hangover is not so bad, a mistake on the Couch-herumzulümmeln. When the residual alcohol has disappeared, the attention has turned to the fresh air.

Was soll man essen, wenn man Kater hat?

Um die Mineralien, die Körper fehlen, wieder auf Vordermann zu brought, gibt es the berühmte Kater-Frühstück: Rührei with Speck, Obst, Müsli, Vollkornbrot or Hering. Beeren verleihen dem Körper sisterätzlich Vitamin and Mineralstoffe and thus regularen the dusty.

For all healthy products it is a good idea: High quality chocolate can contain the schlappe drink after the alcohol.

Schnell Kopfschmerzen vom Hangover were released? Then you'll have a hangover break

Schnell Kopfschmerzen vom Hangover were released? Then you’ll have a hangover break

Photo: Oliver Killig/dpa-Zentralbild/dp

The alcohol has a strong effect on the leak. If you are happy with it, you can drink it with peace of mind or with your own artichokesaft. So come and enjoy your meal and enjoy the Oktoberfest here.