
Planzer and Loxo love packages with autonomous vehicles

Planzer and Loxo love packages with autonomous vehicles

In one of the pilot phase transporters, a vehicle or a Fahrer-pak is transported in the city of Bern with a voluntary stretch network of 67 kilometers. The navigation software for the transport change boxes in the vehicle originates from the Bernese start-up Loxo.

For the Gütermobilität and the Zustellung van de Paketen on the letzten Meile autonomous mobility offers enormous opportunities. Because the potential of utility and the rising investments are a static charity project, plans and loxo have started a joint project and now a first Ko-Pilot project has been implemented.

During a pilot phase in the city of Bern, you navigate with a VW ID. Buzz more taglich vom Planzer-Bahncenter an der Murtenstrasse zu 14 für die Warenfeinverteilung strategic Umschlagepunkten. This punk is located in the area of ​​the city of Bern, a connection is a voluntary network of 67 kilometers, teilweise with an answer to the business situation that fahrrad- and fußverkehr fell. Here the two Wechselboxes, in whatever suit, were found, loaded onto electric small vehicles and loved by the Fahrerinnen and Fahrern of “Planzer Paket” and the terminal experts.

For the project that Loxo offers the navigation software Loxo Digital Driver, it is possible to use Kyburz and Planzers for this advanced conzipiert software, in the integrated VW commercial vehicle. The pilot project is a starting point for the further development of city logistics. If one of the zero-emission emissions is lower, this will take longer for the city as living space. Dazu Nils Planzer, CEO and VRP of Planzer: “With this pilot project of wollen Loxo and an innovation partner of the Grundstein for a sustainable, datengetriebene City Logistics-legen, the urban supply chains-efficient and extremely friendly power.”

The common project has been given the name “Planzer – Dynamic Micro-Hub with Loxo”. Further project partners are: City of Bern, Bozzio AG, Bosch AG, SwissMoves, Noviv Mobility AG and SAAM. After following the pilot phase vision Planzer and Loxo an own entity with eight Changeboxes and the rollout in other Swiss cities.

The first pilot project of Loxo in the Lucerne Ebikon would take place a year later. All project objectives were achieved. If you enable the validation of the technology on the existing streets: Autonomous at level 4, that is a personal driving in a specific situation, which is realized.

The automatic Fahren of Levels 4 (ohne Fahrpersonal im spezifische Anwendungsfall) is weltweit and in the Switzerland in the formarsch. In der Schweiz, the new Verordnung über de automaten Fahren (VAF) and the new Road Traffic Act became effective in Frühjahr 2025 in Kraft Treten. You buy the rightful Rahmen for the autonomous Fahrzeuge of Zulassung and Nutzung.

Loxo’s Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) solution can no longer be integrated with Drive-by-Wire vehicles. Specially developed for the commercial vehicle sector, it increases the likelihood of operation with virtual mapping and sorting, which means that operation remains fast and cost-effective. Amin Amini, CEO of Loxo, described the debt with Planzer as follows: “It is not that this company has now abandoned the Planzer business, but the technology is standard for some efficient way to run many establishments.” A project with a Planzer cannot be implemented. Loxo is one of the many tests that you start, which are heraus at the country borders.

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