
AfD and BSW in Berlin-Lichtenberg next

AfD and BSW in Berlin-Lichtenberg next

If you want, take the bus to the debt – if you are in the class, go through the metal detection and ensure security. So the AfD in Lichtenberg is proposing a separate Schulalltag. At Bundnis Sahra Wagenknecht (BSW) the man sees the light: the Lichtenberger Fraktion schloss itself is an entsprechenden AfD-Antrag auf der Bezirksverordnetenversammlung (BVV) in Donnerstag an.

The AfD and BSW sucked a single strang from each other: So the AfD unterstützte a BSW-Antrag, and in itself the Unterbringung von Geflüchteten an der Landsberger Allee Richtete. There are statements in themselves both Fraktionen gegen einen vorgeschlagenen Volkshochschul-Kurs gegen Stammtischparolen. The concerns about safety protection and safety precautions are abgelehnt.

The Lichtenberger AfD likes to go to the BSW: At the end of August, the BSW faction group Norman Wolf starts with a demo that goes to Hohenschönhausen ein. Wolf lehnte ab, weil there grundsätzlich nicht auf Kundgebungen other Parteien auftrete, sagte is dem Tagesspiegel.

Metal detectors and surveillance

Am Donnerstag warb Wolf in der BVV een Zustimmung für de AfD-Vorschlag, Sicherheitsschleusen and Schulen einzurichten – “im Sinne des Schutzes unserer Kinder, aber auch der Lehrkräfte”. The AfD-Ordernete Marianne Kleinert has found a Wachschutz organization of the metal detectors for the “Brennpunktschulen”. If you have any money left over, you can use these debts for all debts in the sovereign estate, if you wish.

If it is the case that the Wachschutz installation is such that your own personal path will be led to a problem, then this is the case.

Paul Meyer-Dunker, Green

The other fractions are left open: “If I were to have the security installed, if their own educational components were formed, then they would be safe,” says Paul Meyer-Dunker (Grüne). “I was shocked, with a martial artist here in the open air,” said CDU faction chief Benjamin Hudler. AfD and BSW would have a deception that is statistically not possible.

Berlinweit since the Polizei Gewalttaten and Schulen 2023 weiter angestiegen. In Lichtenberg the fall into the lost Monaten has become öffentlich, while the Schüler has been sucked into the Streit Messer and other Jugendliche have been lost.

The AfD has drawn up a BSW Anti-Movement Programme. This is aimed at the largest part of the city, in a hotel on Landsberger Allee. BSW faction leader Wolf called the Senate for money transfer for a speech of “uncontrollable migration”.

District Mayor Martin Schaefer (CDU) has criticized the fact that “the two parties have torn apart the Federal Police Putin”, because the negotiation is being proposed by a Ukrainian issue. “Geradezu infam” of the BSW-Verordnete Tinko Hempel diese Einlassung.

AfD sees “witch hunt” behind VHS course

A previous seminar of the Volkshochschule was a tribal parol that both factions borrowed: Heribert Eisenhardt (AfD) said a “Beispiel for the political Hetze”. Der Dozent würde zu einem “Ministerium der Wahrheit”, so your Befürchtung.

“Am Stammtisch soll jeder sagen, was there will”, reads the BSW-Verordnete Hempel. “As a democratically ultimately gilded man, he is a good man, we are a man who supports the politics of the government,” is said in the BVV.

The Kurs would drop out with the support of BSW, AfD and CDU. The CDU is leaching, there is a personal problem with the VHS and the problem is not urgently notorious.

In the Lichtenberger BVV, AfD and BSW meet on eleven out of 55 seats. The Lichtenberger BSW faction is the first and best faction of the wagon slave party in Berlin. Continue in February with the repeal of three left-wing decrees. In the Europawahlen, the new party from the position of 15.2 percent of the votes in the district is a fact. After the rumors had received the report from the “Berliner Zeitung”, the party was defeated in a candidacy for a direct mandate in Lichtenberg.