
Burning nose, exciting, authentic – Klinikum Fulda starts Podcast Series

Das Klinikum Fulda started Podcast Series. – Graphics: ON

Now new!

20.09.24 – Spend some hilarious tips and authentic patient stimulation straight from the Fulda clinic: Everything is available for the new podcast of the Fulda clinics. Zum started a podcast series “Wenn die Psyche Hilfe braucht”, with Prof. Dr. Henrik Kessler, director of the clinic for psychosomatic meditation and psychotherapy.

Das Klinikum Fulda presents a brand new podcast with exciting experiences in the world of medicine, hilarious tips for healthcare and authentic patient stimulation straight from the clinic. The podcast series starts with an interview with Prof. Dr. Henrik Kessler, the director of the clinic for psychosomatic therapy and psychotherapy: A big problem can lead to a big problem or to the suffering of psychosomatics.

Chart: Fulda Clinic

In this next series of the new podcast series is a fundamental fragment of psychosomatics: was this a psychosomatics of its own? Was passion a psychosomatic psychotherapy? Which disruptive pictures were discussed? What was discussed so little? Prof. Kessler gave answers to these and other fragments.

In the following podcast follow-up, a young mother focuses on his way of treatment in the mother-child setting of the clinic for psychosomatic meditation and psychotherapy. From the Überforderung to Depression and Handlungsunfähigkeit. There is a first conversation in psychosomatics in the medical care centers of East Thesse, which the patient has met in the psychosomatic treatment of the clinical practice in Fulda. End of the description in the podcast sequence 1, who first overcame the Hürde, Stempel Psycho” and then actually now the “spitzen Steine” from the shoe world comes. Statistics can deal with the “Shoe” and the “Function mode” in question. This leads to surprising results.

Private Doz. Dr. Thomas Menzel, Speaker of the Presidency at the Klinikum Fulda. …Archive photo: ON/Carina Jirsch

Barbara Froese, Pressesprecherin des Klinikums Fulda. Archive photo: ON/Carina Jirsch

Some of the more podcast series of psychosomatics are more likely to have themes: “Der Klinikum Fulda Podcast soll seinen ein breites Spektrum an Themen rund um die Gesundheit ermöglichen. Von exciting Einblicken in the Klinikalltag über Informationen zu Erkrankungen, Diagnose und Therapien bis are zu practical gesundheitstips ist für jeden etwas dabei”, so Priv.-Doz. Dr. Thomas Menzel, Speaker of the Presidency at the Klinikum Fulda. Other highlights were interviews with experts from varying medical care and clinic management and of course the patients themselves. “There is a podcast by and for people: Der Klinikum Fulda Podcast is a platform for all, which is interesting for healthcare. Ob Patient, Angehöriger, Medizinstudent or a new podcast – the podcast is like this,” says Barbara Froese, Leiterin der Abteilung Marketing und Unternehmenskommunikation sowie Pressesprecherin des Klinikums Fulda.

Your phone is generally and longer available: “The Fulda podcast is available on the podcast platforms of Spotify and Amazon Music. So you can follow the next steps and listen on your smartphone, tablet or computer,” says Peter Jacob, the pages of the marketing and external communication for the technical presentation of podcasts are now available. Further information about the Klinikum Fulda Podcast and all subsequent pages can be found at (nia/pm) +++