
Wochenendtipp for Kurzentschlossene: Electronic Draussen Festival in Stuttgart – Nachrichten aus Stuttgart

Wochenendtipp for Kurzentschlossene: Electronic Draussen Festival in Stuttgart – Nachrichten aus Stuttgart

One more time about the Spätsommertage genie and draußen tanzen: That can be a man at the Elektronisch Draussen Festival in Stuttgart. The festival starts with tags and continues with drinking. If you want to get tickets and suffer, you can go here.

Electronic Draussen in Stuttgart: Do you want to find the festival statt?

The Electronic Draussen Festival takes place on Samstag (21.09.) statt. Tagsüber will be enjoyed outdoors from 3 p.m. to 10 p.m. Afterwards, drinking takes up to 4 hours longer.