
Formed for the 30. Höchstädter Team Cup

Formed for the 30. Höchstädter Team Cup

This Friday finds who has the best income and money amounts for the best club teams of the abgelaufenen-verbandsrunde on the high tennis states in the high city. The Speerspitze of the Herrenmannschaften in the Landkreis are the Topmannschaften TC Donauwörth (30), TC Nördlingen and TC Bäumenheim from the benachbarten Donau-Ries have been for the 30. Team Cup qualification. I have started the final match in the battle for Sportheim Los Mexicanos at a high level.

The interesting spinner mode is shown for the upcoming many packed matches. Every start consists of two individuals and a double. The tournament winner has booked four participating best results and eight individuals who have four double eliminations. The top player of all clubs has reached his age, one of the Club of the Punk hunting to go.

If Samstag finds the letzten, entscheidende Gruppenspiele statt, he is Sonntag the Finalspiele anstehen. If you find the first playing time of the Spitzenspieler during the favorites list, you will see the Half Final in the Sonttag at 9:30 am statt. Then you should take the time to use the best herrentennisfreuen, the landkreis that is the best. There are also many exciting performances with great success in the past years.

Gundelfingen is a group favorite

In Group A is the FC Gundelfingen top set. Years ago invested in the South League 1 after a, the high water debts, compliziered Season a renewed occupied Place. During the Team Cup, the team of Mannschaftsführer Alexander Daumann will play one of the most important Wanderpokal matches. In the group stage, Gundelfinger ends up with the TSV Buttenwiesen and the TC Weisingen. Both clubs are in the South League 3 beheim and the FCG on paper removed. The results can be seen in the Team Cup on the Seltenheit. The TSV Buttenwiesen come with the tailwind to a strong table place for the Team Cup. The Weisinger was invested in another South League Group, where the Vizemeisterschaft had started in the previous year with the Saisonverlauf and perhaps now in the Team Cup with again the best tennis experience.

Group B is announced by the previous year finalists TC Rot-Weiß Nördlingen. The Rieser lands in the South League 1 on the Fourth Place and says one rank behind the FCG. Do you want to know if Team Cup can win the Gundelfinger sets? It may be that they are in the group stage of the TC house and that Herren II of FC Gundelfinger gives a hint about the problems. Hausen comes to the Sensationsmeisterschaft in the South League 2 with breiter Brust to Höchstädt and certainly on the Vorjahr Platz four for Team Cup. The Aufeinandertreffen with the Noordlinger lasts one of the best matches in the previous round. On Saturday from 14 o’clock you get to the Showdown, while the woman separates the separation of the Gruppensieg that has fallen. Aber da haben de Herren II van FC Gundelfingen wollen nor een Wörtchen Mitzureden. They were 3rd in the South League during the year. The class team will continue to compete in 2024 and will be able to survive in the Super League in the Südliga 2. Dieser depends on a courageous teamwork in the game against TC Weisingen.

The TC Dillingen steht am Kopf der Group C. The Kreisstädter views after the Südliga-1-Meisterschaft 2023 have a personal Veränderungen on the Aufstieg and must ultimately have that Spielzeit appear on the Tablelenplatz. Entsprechend erhofft sich der TCD, de Saison nun mit einem Erfolgserlebnis abzuschließen. In the group stage, Dillinger will meet the TC Bäumenheim and the BSC Unterglauheim. At TC Bäumenheim, if you go into sales of the Turniersiegern, you dare to trade in Zuidliga 2 up to and including the Unterglauheimer in Zuidliga 3.

Höchstädt schickt 50er-Herren on the Platz

And last but certainly not least, die Group D: Here is the title defender and record winner TC Donauwörth (30) a position eins gesetzt. The men are a captain and a legendary Markus who plays in the second season league in the Zurückliegende Landesliga on a strongly oriented Platz and finds his season end a bit in Topform. Mancher Spieler stops – with a higher age – has become stronger in July and how the training program is in German, a highlight of the season at the absolute top level that you can perform. Nevertheless leads on the road to the title of the team from the Nachbarlandkreis Donau-Ries. Das weiß also the host Höchstädt and throws his men’s 50 from the Landesliga 1 in the race. The Höchstädter comes together with TSV Wittislingen, the Vizemeister der Südliga 3, the Gruppe D.

The organizers are often busy with the 30th anniversary of the Team-Cups during their long and courteous game with attractive playing and a high Zuschauerresonanz. The own properties of Turnier focus on the best way to arrange the leibliche Wohl. The entry is free.

Group A: FC Gundelfingen I, TSV Buttenwiesen, TC Weisingen; Group B: TC Rot-Weiß Nördlingen, TC Hausen, FC Gundelfingen II; Group C: TC Dillingen, TC Bäumenheim, BSC Unterglauheim; Group D: TC Donauwörth (30), Höchstädt (50), TSV Wittislingen