
Schal fürs Leben 2024: So you can enjoy your life and children

Schal fürs Leben 2024: So you can enjoy your life and children

Matchday for Life 2024
So you have the chance to have fun and children in Not Helf!

Florence Kasumba and Renate Künast play the Schal fürs Leben 2024

Florence Kasumba and Renate Künast play the Schal fürs Leben 2024

© Paula Winkler, Meike Kenn

Nur a Schal? Nein: A symbol for Hoffnung! Homemade or thoroughly purchased: Der “Schal fürs Leben” hilft auch in diesem Kindern in Not.

This text comes from the BRIGITTE. Holt sie euch als Abo – mit veld Vorteilen. You can order directly here.

“I am very happy, that the greatest people can, wenn people are together for life.” If we want to see Emily Cox’s play, I will take action a few years later with many other prominent companies. If you want to see the children’s prices for the Krisen-, Kriege- and Klimakatastrofen-dieser Welt, you have to take the next step, which will never again have an unanswered situation, such as – abgeschnitten van Bildung, mangelernährt, Gewalterfahrungen ausgesetzt – also a faire Startkans ins Leben. Our shield, adopted by Guido Maria Kretschmer, is the recognition sign a larger community of people, which is an einstehen, die Kinder nicht de Leidtragenden menschengemachter Catastrophes are expensive.

Where are you going?

You could spend 10 euros on the Save the Children campaign. Since 2014, we will have more than three million euros in the actions “Ein Schal fürs Leben” and Save the Children spent – ​​you will be able to save children’s money in Syria. Die Spendegelder der Aktion 2023 unterstützen dieses Jahr fast 9500 syrische Kinder. If Ihrer Hilfe an other schulisch und außerschulischen Bildungsangeboten was part of a psychosozial negotiation, a traumatic experience with verarbeiten.

In those years you will spend money on children in Not, you will definitely know that you come. Denn: Do not spend any country or a best project that is bundled, but it does not help, I am not big. This way “Save the Children” can respond flexibly and act in a short time.

How do you know what the price is?

The Schal ist aus 100 Prozent Merino-Wolle, that is a prize. The 50 Euro for the wool package includes the costs for the high value of the wool, i.e. for packaging, labeling and delivery. Here come the handling and distribution costs of the wool restorers “Lana Grossa”. The price for the heavy-duty payment is also clear: The 85 Euro set is in addition to the costs for the high quality of the goods, the handling and distribution of the workpieces, as well as for the high-quality processing activities, which is the result of the manual labor – the average working hours are in the Purchase price a.

Was there passion on the Action Day?

That’s what you mean. December 10th is Human Rights Day. Slow down the scale bei allem, was du tust, auf dem Weg zur Arbeit or der im Büro, beim Einkaufen, in der Bahn. Mache wie unsere prominent Unterstütze:innen een Foto van dir met dem Schal, teile es with dem Hashtag #schalfürsleben on all Social-Media-Khanälen.

So can you do it?

Here is the Wolle…
The wool package with instructions costs 50 euros, davon gets 10 euros to spend on Save the Children. You can buy your package in one of 500 Lana-Grossa-Wollläden or order online (Addresses and information: You can get a pack on a zwei. Children’s shawls affected!

…and here is the scale
Order the fruit of Schal for 85 Euro (incl. 10 Euro Spending) at Wollywood (, Wolle im Hof ​​​​( or Lauras Wollladen ( If there is a hand gesture unit, it is so that if your personal interest exists, there may be some problems with the war.

Help without being hit
You can spend a Wish Gift directly, you can go up. All information on

Current account
Save the Children eV, Bank für Sozialwirtschaft
IBAN DE96 3702 0500 0003 2929 12
Keyword: Schalspendente 2024

More info under You can spend money directly. Follow us on Instagram and on Facebook!
