
Expert gibt Entwarnung:”COVID19 bedeutet keine Gefahr more”

Expert gibt Entwarnung:”COVID19 bedeutet keine Gefahr more”

Corona is also more medically visible. “The special treatment of COVID19 as a healthy viral infection is safe.” Ludwig Kaspar, Stellvertretender Vorsitzender of the Austrian Health Academy and a medical expert: Von Corona has not taken any action under Gefahr aus.

“Gewöhnliche Viruserkrankung”

There is a “widespread virus disease” that has become much different. Die Verläufe würden ich nicht von others Erkältungs- und Grippeviren unterscheiden. Schwere Verläufe mit bakterieller Pneumonia als Folgeerkrankung seien die absolute Ausnahme. It is a beef druf at Wiener Spitalsärzten.

“SARs, the war has begun!”

“No hereditary virus brings long-lasting signals, “says Kaspar. COVID19 follows the image of as good as all spread viruses. If there is an infection, an infection can occur. Chronic credit or other people should get more information about their use. “Sars, that’s what happened!”, said Kaspar with Blickwinkel on the vast majority of the Population and the Erreger SarsCov2, of the COVID19 outbreak.