
Cum-Ex-Verfahren is now coming soon

Cum-Ex-Verfahren is now coming soon

Berlin – The legal assessment of the control candals is a former ex-geschäfte that is now passing by. It is said that the response of the Federal Finance Ministers to a small message from the link, über the “mirror” message. Demnach was bis Ende 2023 380 Fälle in Arbeit und 174 Fälle Rechtskräftig abgeschlossen, ein Zuwachs von emptlich 25 Fällen gegenüber dem Vorjahr.

When ex-ex-funded investors run their dividend foundation and will provide it with a large portion of capital investment, this will not happen. The state is about to cause billions of euros in damage to the country. By the end of 2023, the items will be empty at 3.1 billion euros, so order is to be completed. The Ministry of Finance is ready, in the event of a decrease in the volume in the laurel of the Ermittlungen – zum Beispiel, weil sich an unprünglicher Suspect not bestätige.

No more modest attacks the Bilanz for a number of cum-cum-geschäfte aus, while the activities are shifted from abroad and at home. Here you can incur damage that amounts to 35 billion euros. By the end of 2023, we have now purchased 76 million euros with a volume of 205 million euros – in the past, we have still spent 237 million euros and 54 million euros.

If the group for the little people stops, the house of the Federal Finance Minister Christian Lindner (FDP) has started to set up ex-deals to start and remove their cum-cum models. Now that we “now the crumb of tax damages are back, we will see that we can all get cum-cum-deals”, says Christian Görke, financial policy speaker of the Left in the Bundestag.

The organization “Financial swindle” was founded, while the Aufklärung sisterätzlich erschwert were könnte. If one of the Federal Governments plans a Verkürzung of Aufbewahrungspflampen for Belege, there may be legal obligations. “Ermittlungen sind quasi unmöglich, eine Zurückholung des Geldes benso”, says Anne Brorhilker, Geschäftsfuhrerin der Organisatie.