
Ottolenghi launches a new cookbook – and says how secure it is

Ottolenghi launches a new cookbook – and says how secure it is

“Comfort” by Ottolenghi: The new cooking book is a tribute to childhood memories and living lessons.

If you have a Comfort food think, how well do I come to my senses? Is it the Kartoffelbrei, is it the fault that often goes to Mittagessen, or to the Apfelkuchen, or is Grandma that good? If you are happy with your friends, you will be happy with your wishes: otherwise you will be judged. It’s a fact Comfort food gift? Wohl kaum. Alone, to festzulegen oneself on a single definition, falls hard. Think of the concept of the “Seelenessens” which is relatively fast, weshalb. Before it is one, it was a long time ago and a little less. Other people think it is a good thing, that it is a child.

“Comfort” by Ottolenghi is based on the theme of well-being

In his new cookbook “Comfort”, Israeli cookbook author Yotam Ottolenghi is featured as director together with his three children Helen Goh, Verena Lochmuller and Tara Wigley. Comfort food op de Grund und de Führt Gerichte op, die op uninterestschiedlichste Art Wohlbefinden verkörpern. From Eiergerichten and Suppen über Gebratenes and Wohlfühlgemüse bis in their Pasta and Reisgerichten – was the Rezepte eint, since a Gefühl von Vertrautheit, Nostalgia and Genuss, combined with the unprecedented Ottolenghi-Twist.

Übrigens: In Rahmen signal Comfort-Tour, Yotam Ottolenghi will join us at 04.11. in Munich, am 05.11. in Cologne and 06.11. in Hamburg signal.

Recipe for white Riesenbohnen with roasted Kirsch tomatoes

For those who consider their “comfort” after a while, AD reveals a recipe from Ottolenghi’s new cookbook: White Giant Buns with steamed cherry tomatoes and a creamy base of Greek yogurt. A goal, it’s great for a mezze table to eat, or a light meal so you can enjoy. It’s best topped with crumbled feta or olives.

White Giant Bohnen Recipe

The white Riesenbohnen with roasted cherry tomatoes are one of the “Comfort Foods” from the new “Comfort” cookbook by Ottolenghi.

© DK Verlag/Jonathan Lovekin

Suitable for 4 persons

  • 500 g cherry tomatoes
  • 85ml olive oil
  • 1 Zwiebel, fine würfelt (150 g)
  • 2 Knobblauchzehen, in thinly separated shapes
  • 2 tsp chopped Oregano
  • 2 TL Thymianblättchen, roughly hacked, plus a whole Thymianblättchen zum Garnieren
  • 1 TL Fenchelsamen, geröstet and light zerstoßen
  • 1 Lorbeer leaf
  • 80ml dry white wine
  • 2 TL geräuchertes Paprika powder
  • 1 Glass of white Riesenbohnen (700 g), abgetropft and abgespült
  • Salt and fresh gemahlener schwarzer Pfeffer

To serve