
The “Logo”: Whoever uses a Rockschuppen from the Clubster

The “Logo”: Whoever uses a Rockschuppen from the Clubster

Während Hamburgs Clubszene in der Krise steckt, feiert das Logo in der Grindelallee sein 50. Anniversary. Who is functioning? A Besuch.

That Logo has been completed. Beef 450 Guest has come, um Strange kind of womenAn Deep Purple Tribute band from Italy, see live.

When you enter at the entrance, there is a change of band, but the Stimmung cannot be performed. Das Bier costs 4 Euro – the guest can no longer laugh.

Starkrain in Vienna, Konzertausfall in Hamburg

If Geschäftsführerin Lea Goltz enters the stage, it will still happen. Die Sängerin der Band follows ihr. Both are exciting. The goal, the sold, is true: the guitarristin became a growing up of Starkregen in Wien nicht pünktlich zum Auftritt koop. The concert cannot find any statistics.

That means that Logo September 50th. Anniversary celebrations.

On September 6, 1974, the Holzschuppen, as a Möbelgeschäft, started the Karriere as a legendary Veranstaltungsort for Live Music, especially for Rock Music.

Bands perform here that are packed throughout the stadium: My Chemical Romance, The White Stripes, Queens of the Stone Age, Florence + the Machine, Weezer, Rammstein and Silvermouth. Sogar Oasis gaben 1994 here a Auftritt – Eberhard Gugel, der ehemalige Property of the Logowas not obsessed.

First Rockschuppen, then Test Center, then Werbefläche

“Wir since extra Wien für das Konzert Angeist“, it appears in the Public. For a moment the encouragement of chickens shines. Lea Goltz verspricht, man knows where to find or buy the tickets for the nachholkonzert.

You have completed your education in Logo authorized. The end of the pandemic takes place in the Geschäftsführung.

Damals are standing there Logo style for their Aus. Take advantage of the money to walk through the rock walls in a testing center, spend some time in a field of work Alpro. Nur thanks a Crowdfunding blieb das Logo in life.

Out of the blue, the cult club in Grindelallee was turned away from the pandemic like a whirlwind. Archive photo: Lukas Görlitz

As Eberhard Gugel, the Logo On January 27, 2021, the war began, the capitulators and an investor who Karsten Schölermann in the premature Grundstück, one of those things Logo so save. Anschließend gründete is together with Lea Goltz and Chris August, responsible for the booking and in 25 years, a new Betreiberfirma.

Why did both experience the stress of the pandemic period? “It’s true, a very euphoric Karsten Schölermann abzusagen,” said Goltz and laughs. 10,000 years Logo Schölermann has investigated.

Nevertheless, the fort-written changes to the “Holzschuppens” are regularly presented as tributes – in the form of repair and renovation work. First before you found the “lauteste Sauna Hamburgs” a climb. All costs energy, time and money.

Inflation and individualization of the club stars

Money, that’s not the thing about Hamburger Clubs. The inflation that continues for years is doubled by the clubs. Einseits auf der Ausgabenseite in Form von hohen Rechnungen, otherseits auf der Einnahmenseite durch abnehmende Besucherzahlen. Gerade young Leute gehen inzwischen weniger aus.

After Bernhard Heinzlmaier helped the social scientist Bernhard Heinzlmaier sell individual inflation, he got the chance to go through the trend of the mass development of his individual inflation, Heinzlmaier said. A spark of mass culture has been created.

Another problem: Many clubs were carried out with a profitable construction project displacement. What happens is that Molotov auf dem Kiez, the end of the years for a hotel that is better. If there is protest, it is more of a clubgeht. It was a city with the power of Hamburg.

Before the background is of the standard, Schölermann Grundstückseigentümer and Vermieter Zugleich is a segment for that LogoThe Club, sold in 2022, has File Protection.

“The Show must go on” – ohne Gitarristin

Back in Logo: Strange kind of women can retten the Abend am Ende. The band is a publication of a guitarist. After the help of Zögern is a Freiwilliger, the publikum in maritime shipping is bekräftigt. With ihm plays the Band two songs.

Applause from everyone to the guitarists from the public. Photo: Michael Burkhardt

When the minutes of the Ruhms and a guitar play, there are more in the Publikum. Dort is frenetically celebrated. Ider will give you a tip spontaneously.

Zum Abschluss works as the four Italian women with dem Deep Purple Classic Child in time ebenfalls unter to send Applause.

Davon, when the Hamburger Clubs are in a crisis, one of those things we can do is – three Konzertausfall.


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If we look at Abend in an exemplary way, it will be a great club that can: on the Zusammenspiel of Veranstaltern, Musikern and Publikum – all Widrigkeiten zum Trotz.

Iokay. unacceptable. rude.

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