
Potsdam in Endspurt for the Landtagswahl

Potsdam in Endspurt for the Landtagswahl

The Wahlkampf is in the Endspurt, before I am 8 o’clock on the Wahllokale time. If you have found a country tag that has been brought into the Stellung, there are very many messages. Was Sie zum Wahlwochenende wissen müssen.

Wouldn’t Wahlkampf have power?

Before the party ends, it is a long journey of Wahlkampftterminen. The CDU steps into Wahlkampf with a call from the Bundesvorsitzenden and Kanzlerkandidaten Friedrich Merz with the Brandenburg CDU lead candidate Jan Redmann at 15:30 on the Bassinplatz ab. The Greens are at 19:00 with lead candidate Benjamin Raschke and direct candidate Marie Schäffer on Kneipenwahlkampf. FDP lead candidate Zyon Braun is from 9:00 to 12:00 on the Johannes-Kepler-Platz.

If you are not part of the protest action with the free concerts on Saturday from 2 pm on Luisenplatz. By the AfD and the Rechtszaak there is talk of a citizens’ initiative, it is a family program and an appeal to the sports friends Stiller, Madsen and ZSK. Also the rapper Haszcara and the children’s music group Bummelkasten are on stage.

Do you like Wahl parties and demonstrations?

I organize the traditional Wahlparties, where the participants and sympathizers in the Fernsehen and on the net follow the high expectations and the large community. The SPD-Wahlabend with Prime Minister and Spitzenkandidaat Dietmar Woidke took place in the Gaumenarche am Kanal statt. The CDU is Spitzenkandidat Jan Redmann at 5 pm at the Kutschstall on the Neuen Markt. The AfD is one of the Spitzenkandidaten Hans-Christoph Berndt at 5 pm in Landgasthof Alter Krug in Marquardt.

The Grünen plans with Wahlparty from 5 p.m. in the Schinkelhalle in the Schiffbauergasse. Erwartet is the Spitzenkansen Antje Töpfer and Benjamin Raschke at the Bundesvorsitzende Omid Nouripour. Die Linke is ready for the Wahlabend in Felix am Hinzenberg, at 5:30 PM. The Spitzencandidate Sebastian Walter was at the Lauf des Abends erwartet. The FDP rally will take place from 5 p.m. at the Dorint Hotel Sanssouci in Jägerallee, where the Spitzencandidate and Landesvorsitzende Zyon Braun will follow up on the Ergebnisse. Das Bündnis Sahra Wagenknecht (BSW) plans its Wahlparty in Bürgerhaus Am Stern in Galileistraße.

The House of Youth organizes a Wahlparty, which has never organized a Partei. At 17:30 you can follow the activities at Tanz, Bastelei and Brettspielen in Lindenstraße 34.

The Wahl party of the AfD has given a demonstration of democracy in the North of Potsdam. At 6 p.m. we will meet the demonstrators in front of the ehemaligen Kindergarten in the Marquardter Hauptstraße, on the Ecke zur Fahrländer Straße. From there you will see the Zug zum Landgasthof. The next time you can give a demonstration, go online to the title „Zeit zu Handeln. The AfD party will change their country.” The start of the Kundgebung is at 2.20 pm at the Potsdamer Hauptbahnhof, the woolen demonstrators with the Zug nach Marquardt fahren and will continue to protest from 4 pm.

During the Landtag, prepare for your communications with the Wahlberichterstattung.

© Ottmar Winter PNN/Ottmar Winter PNN

Would you like to continue the Ergebnisse?

Die Potsdamer Neuesten Nachrichten (PNN) messages auf in a Live Blog about the Wahlsonntag. If you are aware of the expenses, you can activate the E-Paper. Find out more in the online and print analyses and reports of Wahlausgang.

On the Alten Markt, a journey of the Übertragungswagen for the Berichterstattung is a fact.

© Ottmar Winter PNN/Ottmar Winter PNN

Die Wahlergebnisse im Lauf der Auszählung can be interesting to put under continued. The page can be updated and activated. For the Wahlberichterstattung of a large Zahl of national and international media in Potsdam, part of the damage was hit by the ZDF. Rund a country tag as the perennial fernsehsender is installed, then live-planted.