
SAP and Microsoft rely on a Behörden-Cloud

SAP and Microsoft rely on a Behörden-Cloud

Who Microsoft will build with Europe Cloud:

The core of the Delos Cloud images are different SAP and Microsoft services. I am done with Microsoft Foundational Services in 2025, I am close to Microsoft Mainstream Services, so Microsoft Office 365 with the latest version. The SAP service will appear on the Cloud platform in 2026. SAP is establishing itself, the platform technology and provider neutrality have become. The following are also supported by open-source solutions and customer development.

…and without Microsoft

Neben Delos Cloud plant SAP has a number of its own Cloud collisions with many properties, all of which contain the Beteiligung of Hyperscalern. These were SAP base platform and software service for the regular industry and the most common sector that the software group is letting go. The offer focuses on the disappearance of the most common problems, the regular industrial sector will increasingly offer new and file management with more Schutzanforderung. First US-NfD-certified cloud infrastructure services have only been on the German market for a few years and are ready to be implemented in the fourth quarter of 2026.

From a preparation of Microsoft services the use of the SAP own Cloud and the Stelle messages are no longer reason. Because it is so that a constriction of the infrastructure is possible. If the software services of Microsoft are useful, the form can be adapted to the cloud infrastructure of Microsoft.

But that is still undisturbed. In a short warning for the Open Source Business (OSB) Alliance first end of June that years for the development of Delos-Cloud and a number of new best results in the field of data protection rights, gathering rights, security technical and strategic considerations.

American Right: Gefahr von Datenabflüssen immer gegeben

The US-US law can provide the US military with personal data, so the representatives of the OSB Alliance. We have reviewed the ‘EU-US Data Privacy Framework’, neither of the results, but of the German Tochterunternehmen with the ideas we have come up with. “Denn Delos used letztlich Microsoft software”, it says in the short. If you notice the problem, you can delete the data about the telemetry settings or personal telemetry settings or get out of this data – “without the administration that something comes from it”.