
Land deschließt Millioneninvestition für Gesundheitsforschung

Land deschließt Millioneninvestition für Gesundheitsforschung


The State of Salzburg has implemented a health science investment plan. Over the next three years, the country will pay out 15 million euros with the Bund.

This is the title of the Life Sciences Master Plan. Mit Life Sciences – auf Deutsch „Lebenswissenschaften“ – sind verschiedene Gesundheitsbereiche gemeint: von der Medizin über die Biotechnologie bis in zur Pharmakologie, als der Wirkung von Arzneimitteln. More money will be flown in all these countries in the coming years, the best in the country.

Fokus auf Ausbildung und Forschung

In erster Linie it is so that money is used for various possibilities in the respective areas and for future project projects. Man wolle in Salzburg is the best talent shown by Landeshauptmann Wilfried Haslauer of the ÖVP-dazu. If you see that you are sick, you should appeal to the University of Salzburg, the private Medical University (PMU) and the Salzburger Landesdeskliniken (SALK) sicherzustellen.

Salzburg is only available as a center for research into cancer and neuroscience. Investments are made in the research into cancer and care that can use the country. Those 15 million, which will be invested in the coming years, are the Bund and the jewels of the Land Salzburg for half.