
Christian Herrgott and Sven Ambrosy perform different Ansätze

Christian Herrgott and Sven Ambrosy perform different Ansätze

The Thüringer Saale-Orla-Kreis is obliged to work independently. How is it possible? Friesland schlägt einen others Weg ein – will also bring such a great fighter who may be able to work.

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Your/Sleiz – A rural district in Thuringia with a strong commitment to the work of migrants. Is there a model for the Landkreis Fryslân and other Landkreise? The Landrat des Saale-Orla-Kreises, Christian Herrgott, obtained a work permit on a Bundesweit beach in February. It is a good opportunity to clean up the business or social services – sorry with 80 cents for the costs of society. There have been reports for a few years about the 110 affected refugees out of 30 full reports. Sieben Migranten see the refusal that they receive being cured; other hats are from the Landkreis abgesetzt. The Saale-Orla district is a great source of information for health care.

Sven Ambrosy (SPD), Landrat im Landkreis Friesland Photo: dpa

Sven Ambrosy (SPD), Landrat im Landkreis Friesland Photo: dpa

Directly on the job market

The Fryslân Landrat Sven Ambrosy (SPD) says that all migrants have joined the fight. “Your initiative, those people who live in Germany and integrate into the labor market, are good,” said Ambrosy. The Landkreis Fryslân has made an offer to integrate into the only market that has brought the Vermittlung into a regulatory sozialversicherungspflichtige Beschäftigung. “Damit since we are proud,” said Ambrosy. I have been away for 150 years in the country. “In those years there are 200 bowls.” If there is a special Job-Messen for migrants in all eight Landkreis-Communen therewiesen. With the initiative “Job-Turbo für Geflüchtete” the district reacts to the American labor market which cites a number of new things and new developments among other migrants. You can use another Job-Sprachkurse for a personal treatment of Refüchtlingen and Arbeitgebern.

Reform forced

Dennoch fordert Ambrosy, Mitglied in de Präsidium van de Deutschen Landkreistagstages, gesetzliche Reformen, een migrantschneller in Arbeit zu bring. “These professional recognition processes last a long time,” says Ambrosy. For the flight itself and for the social activities of migrants, there is no good development quote. Make sure Australian law is compatible and taxable. “Wir brauchen faster Entscheidungen.”

Illegal migration

Ambrosius criticized an active continuation of the land kreistages, illegal migration – the undisputed border or the Aufenthalt in Germany with legal grounds – beyond. “We will be happy, that will happen quickly and consistently,” said Ambrosy, relying on the uniqueness of the 300 landrätinnen and landräte at that stellungnahme. “That Geschlossenheit, die zammenschluss von Mitgliedern aller partypolitischen Lager gezeigt haben haben, erwarte ich von der Bundespolitik,” said Ambrosy. „This is a good idea, that is the Bundespolitik in all its aspects. Play these sub-games with the reins and continue your conversation: Set your mind and find solutions!”

Great results from the first Job Fair for the Succession of Job Centers Fryslân im Mai in Sande. Photo: Oliver Braun

Great results from the first Job Fair for the Succession of Job Centers Fryslân im Mai in Sande. Photo: Oliver Braun

“That didn’t seem like acceptance”

In case it is not because, the Straftäter was not abgeschoben, says Ambrosy. „Dafür fehlt jede Akzeptanz.“ Ebenfalls nicht vermittelbar sei, dass Flüchtlinge aus der Ukraine ohne directly in steuerfinanzierte System eingezahlt zu haben, directly in the Bezug von Bürgergeld kämen. „How will we treat our Kriegsflüchtlinge unterschiedlich? I am very happy with the support of the Ukraine and the Ukrainian Flüchtlinge, but it is a Frage von Gleichbehandlung gleicher Sachverhalte.”

Christoph Kiefer