
Bocholt: St. Agnes Hospital for Cardiology – Millions invested

Bocholt: St. Agnes Hospital for Cardiology – Millions invested

Medical director Simon Terbrack and Chefarzt Prof. Dr. Marcus Wieczorek stehen während der Baubeiten im St.-Agnes-hospital Bocholt.
Hospital Director Simon Terbrack and Chief Physician Prof. Dr. Marcus Wieczorek inform about the development of Cardiology/Electrophysiology at St. Agnes Hospital. ©Sven Betz

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2.5 million euros invested in the Klinikverbund Westmünsterland in the Umbau and the Erweiterung of Cardiology in the St. Agnes Hospital. Bis spatestens Anfang nachsten Jahres sollen laut Krankenhaus direktor Simon Terbrack die Arbeiten abgeschlossen sein. The St. Agnes Hospital has developed the Klinikverbund as a care center for cardiological treatments and expertise for the entire region.

After the examination of cardiology/electrophysiology in the Erdgeschoss of the Krankenhaussen you will find a large treatise in the Bereich-statt. Because cardiology is used more and more often, a number of years the cardiological function diagnostics can be carried out in new examinations.

“With cardiological examinations, patients can be helped for the first time in their lives,” says Prof. Dr. Marcus Wieczorek in the conversation with our broadcast. For this reason, hospital conditions are being considered. “But it is not very charming to be admitted to a hospital on Friday and there is absolutely nothing going on for the first time,” says the Chief Physician of Cardiology. In cardiological function diagnostics, when performing an ECG recording, ultrasound or long-term blood pressure messages are carried out with the soul, which reduces the hospital stay.

Prof. Dr. Marcus Wieczorek said: Schon bald was able to be obtained by Linksherz-Katheter-Labor in Betrieb.
Prof. Dr. Marcus Wieczorek said: Schon bald was able to be obtained by Linksherz-Katheter-Labor in Betrieb.©Sven Betz

In parallel, the time with the Australian economy of the mission notes and the labor together with the Räumlichkeiten for three left-brain catheter laboratories were abolished. The labor must be taken care of as well as patients with care-free recovery.

“No more than a year of war with the patient with relapsed insufficiency. Thanks to the left-wing catheter laboratory, it is a great experience now that the Vene and our large cut may be possible,” said the Chefarzt. Etwa 20 Patients have had treatment for years. A patient was treated for a long time and the patient could be treated after another day. “We will always continue to have great cinema in Duisburg,” Wieczorek has painted the German operations.

Every minute counts

Cardiology and electrophysiology are one of the most important cardiac arrest centers and can offer patients in the region and the neighboring Netherlands the best further treatment after a cardiac arrest. Here the greater prognosis of the patients is greater than the medical competence, which depends on the quality of the establishment of the new treatment clinic. Both criteria are fulfilled by the Bocholter Krankenhaus.

Large medicine is a small hospital not possible, or if it is a serious illness, the man is in a big city – this gratitude is not often used in the Köpfen some Bocholter. You can definitely find the St.-Agnes-Hospital on the Augenhöhe in Bezug in the larger clinics. “We have achieved a high level of care here in Bocholt”, the chief physician states.

Aktuell nur auf dem Plan zu recognise: de nouvelle Räumlichkeiten der cardiological functional diagnostics.
Aktuell nur auf dem Plan zu recognise: de nouvelle Räumlichkeiten der cardiological functional diagnostics.©Sven Betz

“We live here in the last months,” says Krankenhaus director Simon Terbrack about the current construction, most patients and relationships can last a while. “It is unclear whether the higher Mauern was created here in recent years”, so how Wieczorek over the Cardiology in Bocholter Krankenhaus, not now the joint Southern District of the Borkens District takes care of his sons with their patients. Der Chefarzt hofft, dass dies in de Bewusstsein der Bocholter desire.