
Fachkräftemangel: Handicrafts can be set up every day

Fachkräftemangel: Handicrafts can be set up every day

You will spend a lot of time in German handicrafts. This is a study by the Arbeitgebernahen Instituts der Deutschen Wirtschaft (IW) in Cologne. Zwischen July 2023 und June 2024 gab es in der Branche demnach etwa 226,000 offene Stellen, von denen rund 113,000 nicht besetzt wurden.

For everything in the Bauelektrik fehlen laut IW massenhaft Fachkräfte, namlich beef 18,300. At Kfz-Technik a total of 16,300 attacks were carried out for the “few suitably qualified workers”. In the Sanitär-, Heizungs- und Klimatechnik a Lücke von 12,200 attacking Couples claffs.

Fachkräftemangel can nor become schlimmer

IW-conomist Lydia Malin ensured the attention of the company, the nachwuchs could prepare for the attractiveness of the craft and the attention in the back would attract. These “critical and always fragile”, are craftsmen for the climate transformation irreplaceable and that “societal more relevant denn je”, says this.

These Lücke could not become greater in the coming years, führte Malin aus. Zwar steige die Zahl der Ausbildungsverträge langam, der Bedarf der Unternehmen und Fachkräften wachse jedoch faster.

Agentur für Arbeit: Aussichten auf Ausbildungsplatz since gut

The IG Metall ensures that the possibilities of use in the craft are provided. The industry is a “separate basis of an enterprise”, such as IG-Metall-Tarif- and Handwerkbanken Nadine Boguslawski.

The Federal Agency for Labor Law is not of the opinion that the Low of the Industry is bare. If you see the Aussichten-gut, then start the new Ausbildungsjahres Anfang September nor an Ausbildungsplatz in a craft where you can start.