
Belongs to beobachten Schiff with wohl explosiveer Ladung

Belongs to beobachten Schiff with wohl explosiveer Ladung

German authorities are watching a ship between Denmark and Sweden, which is carrying media reports loaded with 20,000 tons of explosives, ammonium nitrates, and is capable of manoeuvring. The person who receives the “Welt” report is the Frachter “Ruby” of a Schlepper through the Kattegat in the direction of the Danish Baltic Sea. The Havariekommando is best informed about the publication of the German press agent, while the sister of the seafarer is privy to the information about the Schiff and his corrupt work.

Since the Frachter was sucked into the direction of the German Coast, there will be Spekulation at the same time. Zur bisherigen Route des Schiffskrachte das Havariekommando keine Angaben. Once the explosive woman gets the best out of the Kommando.

The Norwegian newspaper »The Barents Observer« reported in September that »Ruby« in August the Russian Hafen Kandalak with the Ziel Kanarische Inseln-verlassen. Off the Norwegian coast the Frachter a Maltese Flag is ratted in a Sturm and has a safe Hafen gesucht. If once in the Hafen of Tromsö the Schiff is, then the Hafen verlassen and a position adjusted, we will be repaired for Anchor.

Chemical gold plated as Auslöser von Katastrofe in Beirut

The explosive chemical ammonium nitrate was gilded as an explosive in the port of Lebanon’s main city of Beirut in August 2020. Large quantities of the chemicals had been stored in the port for years. More than 200 people lost their lives.

The Maritime Security Center of the Bundes and the Coastal Länder is united by all entities that are synonymous with maritime security. He is a commander of the navy, the Bundespolizei, the Zoll and the Wasserschutzpolizeien der Küstenländer. Signals Sitz hat das Zentrum in Cuxhaven.

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