
Baiersbronn Classic: Rolling Museum at the start – Baiersbronn & Environment

Baiersbronn Classic: Rolling Museum at the start – Baiersbronn & Environment

Ab Donnerstag comes over the Rollers – the Baiersbronn Classic. More than 120 car classics – from the Vorkriegsjahren until 1975 – run from 26. to 28. September during the rally of the Rally during the National Park Region in Baiersbronn.

At the anniversary edition of the Baiersbronn Classic with a stretch of more than 500 kilometers and culinary generations as drivers (and drivers) from a nation with dabei – and of course every mixture of high-quality vehicles.

Who finds the Baiersbronn Touristik in a medium-long information, finds in those years the Baiersbronn Classic rund in the Kulturpark Glashütte Buhlbach statt. So before you start on the Donnerstag and Freitag, you see the whole day on the Gelände. The start on Saturday, September 28, traditionally takes place on the Ruhesteinstraße in Obertal.

Fans for the Deko

If the Strecke and the surroundings are neither festlicher zu gestalten, the Baiersbronn Touristik lädt all Einwohner and Besucher ein, sich active en der Decoratie zu beteiligen. The costs of the black-white tour Fähnchen bei der Baiersbronn Touristik are waived from September 26 to 28 at the Veranstaltungsbüro in the Kulturpark Glashütte Buhlbach.

On the grounds of the cultural parks Glashütte Buhlbach provides the Baiersbronner Vereine and all three Rallye-Tagen for the leisurely Wohl. So bewirtet am Donnerstag, 26. September, from 12 Uhr die Dorfgemeinschaft Mitteltal. Zur Zieleinfahrt stops with moderator, singer and entertainer Hansy Vogt – the employee of the Schwarzwald-Botschafter is a petrol talk at 3.45 pm.

Am Freitag, September 27, übernimmt the Interessengemeinschaft Obertal-Buhlbach the Bewirtung at 3:30 p.m. During the rally anniversaries, the “Lebende Musikbox” was organized for the musical celebration at the Abend.

On Saturday, September 28, at 11:30 a.m. the Interessensgemeinschaft Obertal as well as the Förderverein Glashütte Buhlbach described. This tag is used in a way that extends over the Ruhesteinstraße at 8 o’clock through the Obertal and the Schwimmbadfreunde.

The old history of the Baiersbronn Classic is a reminder of the legendary Ruhestein-Bergrennen in 1946, the beginning of German motorsport after the Swedish World War. The problem of 78 years ago that you had to deal with security is a problem and a problem. During the Rallye-Tag the two teams ran 500 kilometers through the Black Forest. For the celebration of the seventh start of the Rallye the first starting places on the Strecke gehen last.

The online Zeitplan provides all information about the Baiersbronn Classic on the Internet at

The Time Plan of the Baiersbronn Classic

Thursday September 26
Prolog “Rund um Baiersbronn”: from 8 a.m. Fahrzeugabnahme auf dem Gelände des Kulturparks Glashütte Buhlbach, 1.31 p.m. Start zum “Prolog”, from 3.50 p.m. Seeleinfahrt auf the Gelände des Kulturparks Glashütte Buhlbach.

Friday September 27
Ortenau Tour: 8.31 am Start at the Gelände des Kulturparks Glashütte Buhlbach, from 3.45 pm Zieleinfahrt at the Gelände des Kulturparks Glashütte Buhlbach.

Saturday September 28th
Medium Black Forest Run: from 8 am Startaufstellung der Automobile und Motorräder an der Ruhesteinstraße, 9.31 am Start for Mittleren Black Forest Run, from 3.10 pm Zieleinfahrt on the gelände des Kulturparks Glashütte Buhlbach; Östol-Ruhestein-Bergpreis for Motorräder: from 8 Uhr Startaufstellung der Automobile und Motorräder an der Ruhesteinstraße, 11.35 Uhr Start of Motorräder zum „Östol Ruhestein-Bergpreis“, from 13 Uhr Zieleinlauf der Motorräder at Kulturpark Glashütte Buhlbach, 14 Hour Siegerhrung. The Road from Obertal Ortsmitte bis Ruhestein is at Samstag in the Time of 8 to 13 Uhr for the general traffic restrictions.