
Prügelei at the FDP Youth Organization? Pa aufs Maul unter Liberalen? | Politics

Prügelei at the FDP Youth Organization? Pa aufs Maul unter Liberalen? | Politics

Unter Jungen liberalen gibt es großen Wirbel. Flied at a partei-wochenende and the fauste?

I am in Norden brooding on a little FDP-Krise-sister. Who the „Kieler Nachrichten“-reports is, is a meeting of the liberal youth in August offensive light.

In August, so the Zeitung, the National Association of Friends in Hamburg, Lower Saxony and Bremen zum “politico-programmatischen Wochenende” in the Jugendherberge Scharbeutz eingeladen (75 Teilnehmer). Nun spoke all the alcohol sixes, nocturnal Ruhestörung and davon, the Chief Finn Flebbe (28) plötzlich with a Veilchen herumlief.

Are there any more feet flying?

Nach Angaben von Katharina Pauly, Sprecherin des Deutschen Jugendherbergswerks Nordmark, were Teilnehmer am besagten Wochenende strong alkoholisiert. “It is another visit to the Ruhestörungen, and the Herbergsvater stellte am Ende clearly, which Verhalten nicht with unseren Grundsätzen is required.”

The „Kieler Nachrichten“ messages are displayed more often by Landschef Flebbe on Instagram and a photo post, which said demonstrative handicrafts with the Herbergsvater. Die Julis seien in der Einrichtung „jederzeit wieder willkommen“ – solange man die Hausordnung einhalte. Sein zwischenzeitliches Hämatom erklärte Flebbe damit, that’s with a July-Collegen freundschaftlich gerangelt habe. It is a man who works with the kitchen. Darlings, because they are prügelt, are wrong.

What’s next for the July Chef?

The July Chef presented a woman at the country congress in Neumünster on the Wiederwahl, and his Herausforderer, Kardo Hussein (23) from Lübeck, never in the Verantwortung: In der Causa Scharbeutz it is “a very unbeautiful Dinge”, which are large paintings The July friends and family are quite striking. „I am very happy with the country’s government’s support for the relationship.“

FDP Landeschef Oliver Kumbartzky will do as little as he wants with the Sache.