
Experte spricht Warning for: Nvidias with reported Konzentration auf four Großkunden | 21.09.24

Experte spricht Warning for: Nvidias with reported Konzentration auf four Großkunden | 21.09.24

If NVIDIA notices some of the aggravated results over time, it will come out of the Frage. The most important thing is that there is a big chop.

• NVIDIA-Umsatzsteigerungen Fasziniert Marktbeobachter
• Great Konzentration of four Hauptkunden
• Zudem birgt Wettbewerbsdruck Risiken

In the quarter of 2024, NVIDIA was worth 30.04 million dollars, the analysis of the German analysts was a fact. The forecast of the chip manufacturers from California is sharp and very impressive: I have lagged behind the Umsatz of 13.51 billion US dollars for a quarter and in the summer of 2022 to 6.70 billion US dollars. While it is on the Ausblick-revorragend, NVIDIA will in the coming years make their pioneering achievements in the field of AI chips work in a fast way.

Such great concentration on four major sciences?

The fundamental data is based on an analysis of a number of analysts: quickly half of the results of four full messages, which have received a message from the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). This unusual concentration raises questions. Laut Gil Luria, technical analyst at DA Davidson, traded in this situation in a situation that is part of NVIDIA’s growth “highly unusual”.

The world is anonymous, but Luria vermutet, it is a heavyweight of the technology industry: Microsoft, Meta, Amazon and Google. All four companies are investing massively in AI and are suitable for their AI initiatives with graphics processors (GPUs) used by NVIDIA. We know that there is no question of a gesetzliche representation of the name, which can use the name. Dennoch continues with his great upgrade in the Bilanz of NVIDIA. This suspension of large amounts can be thought of in the background of the dubbing of this data and the longer life of NVIDIA.

These risks are taken during configuration

Before one of the two years a bigger risk for NVIDIA investors is taken. The first decision about the fundamental market strategy is bigger Company: “No big company wants to leave only a supplier”, Luria explains. Besides that Microsoft is in the German economy, it is worth a little effort to make a single advertisement. So if you want to use an alternative to Intel information as exclusive software providers, you should buy an alternative. Most devices can look like NVIDIA values. If Microsoft wants to multiply, the chips are now one of the only ones there, if it is an essential component with GPUs, which have a separate role in the game of AI projects.

There are more risks in the context of the unsafe risks of NVIDIA products. We know that it is so that the active operation of the larger technology is now possible. “These Unternehmen invest the time in NVIDIA GPUs, a soft financial representation of it”, says Luria. These models of the exzessiven Investition can no longer be used by Dauer. Meta-CEO Mark Zuckerberg Explained in a conference call in April, the AI ​​Initiative has worked for more years in the rest of the world. It is unclear, how long the time of Kaufwelle will take to remain stable, an NVIDIA can have a long lifespan.

Waking up Wettbewerbsprint

As you gain greater and greater knowledge, you can offer Luria another powerful Stolperstein for NVIDIA: the zunehmenden-wettbewerb. As technology increasingly uses its own AI chips, the alternatives to NVIDIA GPUs are being played for. Google and Meta have found their own chips in 2024, which are specifically designed for AI applications. Microsoft and Amazon are finding that there are problems with shifting their own chip chips, which in some cases can no longer be used by NVIDIA.

“All players find their way in the stadium of the development of own chips for AI,” says Luria. Under Google and Amazon, more written and powerful NVIDIA computers are installed here. At Microsoft and Meta, your amplification becomes more intense and hollow. The advantage for this company lies in the hand: Own chips is no longer the owner of NVIDIA, impressed by the possibility, the technology that is generated on its own bed.

Despite these challenges, NVIDIA Luria remained a central figure in the market. If you have four large acquaintances on the low level of computers used, then there is a long list of more possibilities, which strongly fall on NVIDIA chips. “Now that we have found a handful of companies, the majority of NVIDIA’s business has started, it is no longer the case that autumn is in the world,” says Jacob Bourne, analyst at e-marketeer. “We can see a new large customer, because of which national states also want to acquire these chips in larger quantities.” NVIDIA can also determine the new position of the Zuwach and reduce the dependency of a number of tech giants.

NVIDIA activity is highly volatile

Who experiences the possibilities of advanced knowledge, will run a NVIDIA – who in the fast high-tech applications – great insecurities. The analyzes and analysts have been looking for the new knowledge of the Chip-High Flyers eight times. Does NVIDIA want to separate the AI ​​technology in the coming years – or are you now trading one of the short intermezzos, before a Big Tech Player restores the AI ​​Chips? The biggest problem with the sale is not, the NVIDIA action in the sale of trading monopoly is a huge flight – yet with a clear Tendenz in Norden. Black is at the highest June record level of 130-US-Dollar-Markt, nor in the right to Ferne. Despite the fact that the NVIDIA promotion is worth 113.37 US dollars (as of 18 September 2024), the price will be 128.93 euros.

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