
Neue Regierung in Paris erwarten Herausforderungen

Neue Regierung in Paris erwarten Herausforderungen

The crisis in France is no longer active under the new government. The fight against politics must be stopped and the country must urgently restructure financially. What is Macron?

After the threat of a political crisis in France, with the current proposal a new government in Paris, the low ab stabilizes. The new prime minister Michel Barnier has given the Mitte-Rechts-Regierung steht von At first an honorable impression. Because it is so that they are together, it is the parliamentary assembly that has called on the Monaten to unite the left in a new cabinet that may have resigned. The Left Party, associations and other organizations call for the today zu landesweiten Kundgebungen auf.

Of a “refusal of democracy, which is completely unacceptable and unacceptably”, the coordinator of the left party, Manuel Bompard, spoke in the sender France Bleu Provence. “It is a government of the government, which has strengthened the previous government, while the parliamentary assemblies have been lost, and the minister of the Républicains a einschließt, who will rejoice at the last parliamentary assemblies when the protest has been achieved.” The Green police of Sandrine Rousseau thought that the Wähler of the Linksbündnisses was “an error in this choice”.

While the parliamentary war was waged by the Left League, the Mitte-Kräften of President Emmanuel Macron and the right-wing nationalist marine were landed by Le Pen. An absolute highlight is the quality of the lower and smaller parties, with the partner of a governing regime.

After a long time Zögern ernannte Macron for two weeks the conservative Barnier (73) to new Prime Minister. The Hoffnung war is an evil Brexit chef of the EU with his treatise and talent with compromises that are a good partner for a good direction that he can find. Ben Donnerstagbend lege Barnier Macron then his personal tableau vor. Due to “letzter Amendungen”, which follows the direction over this period, the cabinets will leave then the Freitag in this way postponed.

After the media reports of the 16 ministers and ministers of the government of Macron Mitte-Lager stem, three from the conservative Republicans, one from a left and one from a right-wing party and the übrigen four from the Parties of the Mitte. Some decisions were made new, completely in the Defense Ministry of Sébastien Lecornu in his posts.

The Frankish Empire can register for the Spitzenpolitiker who can help the ministers in the middle sector not to win the name. If you want this, it is no longer possible to keep the Regie in your Amt for a longer time and no longer be steered. Both from the left and also from the extreme right could get a bare feeling of misrepresentation. A Regierungserklärung von Barnier ist according to media reports on 1. October planned.

With an absolute majority, President Macron’s political government can put an end to the government’s power over the fall. The management of the Barnier has been set up after the direction of the unterstützung unterschiedlicher Partner on the basis of patience by the right-wing national Rassemblement National von Marine le Pen angewiesen sein. Chief of State Macron, with the new position in place, will continue to move forward. Because in Außenpolitik there is the Oberhand and with Barnier a pro-European Prime Minister and Seiner Seite, it is true that the Zusammenarbeit with Brüssel and Berlin kaum etwas ändern.

In the inner politics the new direction with the head of the main board has been a tax probe for a year. Due to one of the new debts that the EU Commission has currently placed on a defizitverfahren in France. An important spark in France with its tradition is that the Ausgaben are idiosyncratic and the fragmentary Steuererhöhungen is the Streit zwischen Barnier and the Macron-Lager-entbrant.