
Arbeitsplatz in Gefahr? 6 Anzeichen, dass Ihre Firma pleadedeht

Arbeitsplatz in Gefahr? 6 Anzeichen, dass Ihre Firma pleadedeht

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Is your work place in danger? The following warnings are that your company may have to pay for the insolvency. What can you do?

Every person wants work place. Das Wissen, one’s own job is not yet in sight, and ensures a stable situation in life. Leaders often see reality differently. Gerade in Zeiten wirtschaftlicher Unsicherheit müssen Unternehmen schwere Krisen durchstehen. How is it possible that the man is stubborn, that the Arbeitgeber possibly pleads baldly? Manchmal since Mitarbeiter died letzten, the davon were established in knowledge. Red flags have emerged indicating an insolvency backlog.

A deserted plant in Vordergrund. The background is a man in front of his laptop and the end of his life.
If you are in an office, it is best to see if you can’t bury your head in the sand. (Symbol image) © IMAGO/Thomas Trutschel

1. Aufträge und Kunden gehen whistlen

It is a company that deals with projects: project platforms, lost lost and then one of the most important customers jumps out. Although the investment list would give a clear insight, it was a mistake. The chef can not behave so often, but that will never happen again.

2. Budgetkürzungen und Sparmaßnahmen

Suddenly, in the Head Office, everyone is talking about “spareness”. Everything seems to be just there to pay costs. Further education offers are scaled, projects are offered by means of sources, the travel budget is getting smaller. All these things can be done in a certain way.

3. No new employees

If it wasn’t that long ago, the chef won’t be putting together any new courses? An installation freeze is one of the most important ways in which external costs can be compensated and that no new things can happen. Also Gehaltserhöhungen have been affected by that.

4. Führungskräfte like weite

When employees in key positions lose more than their company, the alarm bells should ring. If you do any of the following, the management team may no longer see the company. Another warning sign: The open positions were no longer occupied. If you register, the debt for the Insolvency Support can no longer be exceeded.

5. Restrukturierungsandigungen

Insolvents are faced with large restructurings. If you are trading, it is worth placing the bets for them. The online platform Kununu spoke of a “last diversion act short before the Game Over.” There will be large and overloaded transactions in the firm.

6. Let the spät or gar nicht cook

It may be that you are going to cook a few times, while you are in the kitchen for a few days. When the Zahlung has a complete problem and one of the colleges that this has affected, it is more possible to prevent an uninterested problem. The company is big, the firm has ended up in one of the car washes of the liquidity crisis. Lau der Working weeks Trade if you have done any of the business for the Insolvenz. „It is important to know that financial solutions will stop, in spite of other challenges“, explains Christoph Niering, Vorsitzender des Verbandes der Insolvenzverwalter und Sachwalter Deutschlands (VID), in Interview with der WiWo. Often the money is expressed in your money, while the great potential growth is achieved and realized. Employees do not hear much about this.

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Was it an Arbeitnehmer when we noticed the Red Flags in the United States?

If you get a warning, you can never panic. The highest level could no longer be conferred for a night. Despite power is a sin, to prevaricate on possible Szenarien. Here is a concrete way of writing, which can be used as Arbeitnehmer:

  • Stay informed: If you are worried, it may be that you find the financial situation of the bets again. This is the internal information and eight years on external messages. If you inform, it is wise to do your trade.
  • Updating your underlays: Stop your life, your work equipment and your references are on the new stand. So if you experience the serious fall and in the fall of the fall immediately start working on starting a job, a previously performed event can happen on your path.
  • Networks: Take care of your professional network. Contact e-healthcare colleagues, supervisors and industry experts who can do their job when you are looking for a new job.
  • Financial provision: Make sure you get financial backing, one of the consequences of the fall. A well-filled Notfallkasse can bring a new time, a new pressure can be found.
  • Speaking with personal thoughts: If you experience the seriousness of the situation, speak out with Ihrem Vorgesetzten. Vielleicht Erfahren Sie so, wie realistical Ihre Befürchtungen sind.