
Endspurt at Weltrekordversuch in Boizenburg: 50 Stunden Resuscitation | – Nachrichten

Endspurt at Weltrekordversuch in Boizenburg: 50 Stunden Resuscitation | – Nachrichten

Status: 21.09.2024 07:24

With the action phase “Reanimation MV” the referee-Samariter-Bund will carry out the care for the resuscitation and set up a number of potential experiences in Boizenburg.

If there is still a re-heavier, the first hilfe massages that Herzdruckmassage and Beatmung can be rettet. The Arbeiter-Samariter-Bund (ASB) is racing in Boizenburg (Landkreis Ludwigslust-Parchim) with the Aktionstagen “Reanimation MV” at a start in the Donnerstag at 4 p.m. on the Marktplatz, a welcome package, the heute inheritance greeting zu Ende was zoll.

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Herzdruckmassage and one of the Boden lying Mann © colourbox

Bei a rest still stand for your minute. Deshalb ends up in quick resuscitation. Was you beaching? more

More than 150 Teilnehmer in 24 Stunden

For the Weltrekord sollen Freiwillige 50 Stunden lang and the Übungspuppe “Anne” ununterbrochen the Herz-Lungen-Wiederbelebung üben. This consists of 30 compositions of brushwork and two beats. Laut ASB-Mitglied Birgit Waniorek is located on the active Weltrekord at 48 Stunden. Stop the ersthelfer at the end of 6 p.m., see the new Weltrekord nach Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. If you want to use a device, you must do this. More than 150 people were taken in the first 24 rounds, so Waniorek. A man was busy at night and had a stunde and 45 minutes of Herz-Lungen-Wiederbelebungsübungen een der Puppe-durchgeführt. Begleitet became the Versuch vom Rekord-Institut Deutschland.

ASB will take Ersthelfern Angst

In a heart-circle-standstill each second counts. The first eight minutes are separated, a patient with recognizable problems can help in solving problems. The problem is that people, the first Help is wanted, often afraid that they will suffer more harm if they help. This fear will be the Arbeiter-Samariter-Bund with the following action phases. If you make a benevolent choice, this is a quick way to create a program.

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Dr. Melanie Hümmelgen demonstrates a heart pressure massage and a dummy. © Screenshot

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Many people have had fear, in a non-fall situation. With the right measurements, life can be saved. 7 minutes

When you see a hand, the shiny cassette stops. © Nadine Platzek / Photo: Nadine Platzek

First 112 words, then first Hilfe leisten: In the spirit of life, the soul is still alive, 100 moments are worth it – a moment of joy, which one can find in their own songs. more

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NDR 1 Radio MV | Nachrichten from Mecklenburg-Vorpommern | 19.09.2024 | 07:10 Uhr

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