
Happy Ending for todgeweihte Biber in Wildpark Mehlmeisel

Happy Ending for todgeweihte Biber in Wildpark Mehlmeisel

“Berta”, “Zumpfl” and the newborn “Milan” fly like biberwohl in the Gehege in Wildpark Mehlmeisel in the Fichtelgebirge. If the three things are not in the water plants at all, you have the Tierschützern zu verdanken.

Internationale Zusammenarbeit fürs Tierwohl

The two women “Zumpfl” and “Berta” were in Frühjahr in Südbayern with most generic things that could happen. Dagegen rechtte sich Widerstand: Roisin Campbell-Palmer of Beaver Trust England has taken over the cooperation with Bibermanager Gerhard Schwab, who left the Biber in Greece and has continued his life. This prelude has nevertheless broken down, albeit with the Tierschutzhof Oberpfalz e. V. it is clear that the two have made a good start when they are finished.

Two shivers become three

In Wörth an der Donau “Berta” was born in Junges, while “Milan” continued. If you appeal to the three Biber in one of these ways that the Leiterin des Tierschutzhofs has the idea, Eckard Mickisch, the Betreiber of the Wildparks Mehlmeisel in Landkreis Bayreuth a Help zu bitten. This is for an unconventional lifestyle and can be used in a Bibergehege in the Wildpark in the Fichtelgebirge. The Happy End is not long in place: At the end of August, the trio of Biber would be one. The intention is that Mickisch of course is directed to a room with a live view in the Biberburg. Visitors and visitors of the Wildpark can observe the Treiben under the water on a monitor.