
Infos – Nach Sturm und Hochwasser: Gut informiert zum Ausflugsziel

Infos – Nach Sturm und Hochwasser: Gut informiert zum Ausflugsziel

“Viele Ausflugsziele, wie Museen, Stifte, Schlösser, aber auch Tier- and Naturparks, Erlebniswelten and Bergbahnen, have regularly enjoyed and enjoyed their Besucherinnen and Besucher. Were both the spätsommerlichen Temperatures during our stay during our trip to Niederösterreich plant, with regard to the Information Channels of the Ausflugsziele and the Tourism Organizations aktuelle Informationen zur Situation for Ort“, concreted that Aussendung.

Holidaymakers and holidaymakers, but also those who fly out, can choose from many possibilities for common activities at the peak summer temperatures. If you want to take a trip abroad, you can get information about a healthy lifestyle, such as abseiling, on the beach. Then it is a matter of time and a safe flight to a Wednesday on the road.

Gute Vorbereitung: Tourismusorganisationen unterstützen

The leisure possibilities in Lower Austria are valuable and very expensive. If you make the right choice and take one of the following steps, it is important that you get the right channeling in the procedure. A click on the website of the Ausflugsziels is the first installation for information. You can make a telephone call to the betriebs who contact the customer and contact the arrangement of the situation for your expert.

The Niederösterreich CARD, with a beef 350 Ausflugsziele besucht we, informiert on this page about current status of Ausflugszielen aus ihrem Bot:


Here you can visit the tourist destinations of the country and the guests in your favorite region on this page:







More general information – who also receives updates on traffic management – has been published in the Land Niederösterreich zur Verfügung:




A man finds an overview of the publication in our article dazu:

Also inform ORF, ÖAMTC and ARBÖ about trade barriers.

See the strong upward weights of the Austrian Federal Forestry (ÖBf) that are particularly concerned about the affected areas of Waldbesuchen ab: katastrofengebieten.html

Aktuelle Ausflugsmöglichkeiten in Niederösterreich

Lower AustriaDanube

All flights in the Nibelungengau and in the Wachau are possible without hindrance. The best hiking route in Lower Austria is on the Danube Valley, Maria Taferl, the historically impressive Schloss Artstetten and the baroque Abbey Melk have regularly been off-roaded. The Ruine Aggstein has appeared on the market and on 5 and 6 October in the Wachau was – one of the best times on the road!

No Krems leaves the Benedictine monastery Göttweig for a visit. A wine experience guide at Winzer Krems is best combined. The Museen der Kunstmeile Krems is no longer there and offends the art-interested guests. The B3 in Krems and Emmersdorf is no longer usable.

One of the credible Ausflugsziele der Niederösterreich CARD, the Garten Tulln, where I visited on 18.09. bereits wieder geöffnet. For an abwechslungsreiche Ausstellungstour stehen in Tulln ua the House of Digitalisierung and the Egon Schiele Museum zur Verfügung. As soon as the Römerfest der Stadt was abandoned, the Stadtmuseum Tulln – Römermuseum could be envisioned.

In Kloosterneuburg The Museum Gugging can be viewed unhindered by the Stift Klosterneuburg.

At the exits in Sadness it is not a problem. There has been a research on the Ausstellung „Traismauer Schätze“ with 2000 years of old Funden in Schloss Traismauer.

Also in the region Carnuntum-Marchfeld There are a few things that can be done in the following way: the Prunkvollen Schlösser Marchegg, Hof and Eckartsau are a bit like the Römerstadt Carnuntum and the Nationalparkzentrum Donau-Auen in Orth an der Donau.

In the Weinherbst Niederösterreich stehen die nächsten Highlights with “musical Weinterrassen” and the evening Wochenenden in Spitz, the Feuersbrunner Weinherbst, the Höfleiner Winzerpfad in October and unzähligen Weinfesten, -verkostungen and Riedenwanderungen on the Donau am Programm.


Wine cellar

In the Weinviertler Museumsdorf Niedersulz taucht man in das Alltagsleben von damals ein. Auch im MAMUZ Schloss Asparn/Zaya erlangt man Einblicke in vergangene Lebenswelten.

In Retz If the Erlebniskeller has been given a description, the function of the Retzer Windmühle from 1853 has become harmless.

In the “Weinhauptstadt and Sekthochburg” Poysdorf is the WEIN+TRAUBEN World prepared for many visitors. Although it is possible that others are active, it is a wine verse that makes a wine and sparkling wine so much fun.

Am Wochenende finds a bereits wieder Veranstaltungen im Rahmen des Weinherbst Niederösterreich statt. During the Kellergassenfeste in Falkenstein and Roseldorf, both events were postponed. Wine, culture and kulinarik can be experienced in the new Veranstaltungsreihe wein.lese.herbst. The events in the Unterschiedlichen Weinviertler Gasthäusern find out who is planted.


Vienna Alps

The Rax-Ceilbahn has the Betrieb who grows up and enjoys living there, and understands their living guests. In 8 minutes the man is here at 1,547 m Seehöhe.

These are the beautiful outdoor paradises Saint Corona at the Wechsel – the Wexl Arena – is one of the best options. Lately it is the case that no effort has been made to investigate, but in higher layers it is likely that there is Strecken Schneefelder to find.

The Sesselbahn der Erlebnisalm in Mönichkirchen never ceases to amaze. The 4er-Sesselbahn on the Schwaig with tollem Panorama hat am Samstag and Sonntag, which is available from 09.00 – 17.30 hours. Lediglich am Schaukelweg ist there time nor with few Einschränkungen zu rechnen.

At Semmering-Hirschenkogel the Kabinenbahn takes you from Donnerstag to Sonntag Besucherinnen and Besucher at 1,340 m. All the attractions that go from the new Gold-waschanlage to the Millennium Jump are regularly opened.

The Schneebergbahn and Schneeberg Sesselbahn continue. That is in Schneeberg nor long ago, it is: Warm and cozy!

In the Viennese Alps we know more in October: “Haubenkoch trifft Hüttenwirt” and the finest Lebensmittel from the Region in a 6-course Wildkräuter-Abendmenü in airier Höhe were served.


Mostly four

The Ybbstalradweg is now only a small extent of treatment. Der Radtramper verkehrt am kommenden Wochenende (21.-22.09) regular zwischen Waidhofen on the Ybbs and Monday at the sea.

The Annaberger Lifte since 21.09. again in Operation. In the Mini-Bikepark there are many more possibilities. The ground of the Schneeverhältnisse on the mountain is only partly opened at the stations of Nikis Alm-Abenteuer. The walk through the Hennesteck has now started with snow and snow pressure.

On the Gemeindealpe Mitterbach takes place from 21.09. wieder los. The lifts and the mountain carts are another plan in Betrieb.

Special features for residents and residents of the Lower Austria CARD are important for their souls: The Tierpark der Stadt Haag is just as good as the Wildpark Hochrieß. The Rodelbahn Eibl-Jet in Türnitz underhält Groß und Klein. Für Wissbegierige gibt can be experienced in the Renaissance Schloss Schallaburg, in the Zisterzienserstift Lilienfeld and in the Museum NÖ. In the Haubiverse, a man can no longer have a large expense that has a high probability of winning the bet.

The Veranstaltungen der Tangente St. Pölten have found all the statistics: Dazu heard “Working Class! Festival für Arbeitnehmer:innenkultur“ from 20 to 21.09. and “Super Farm” from 28 to 30.09.

Auch beim Kollmitzberger Kirtag, der mit rd. 300 visitors and visitors over the Danube with a view of the entire Alpine chain will be present at the terminus at the weekend (20.-22.09).

Auf der Gesamtstrecke der Mariazellerbahn (von St. Pölten Hbf bis Mariazell) would be a Schienenersatzverkehr eingerichtet.


Vienna Woods

Sonnenstrahlen sich dieses Wochenende in Wienerwald besonders gut im älstromen Naturpark Österreichs – Sparbach in Hinterbrühl near Mödling – tanks. During the course of the Landschaft an opportunity arose for some kind of Wildschwein.

The Schlosspark Laxenburg consists of – with a few things, which mainly concern the Grüne Lusthaus, the Kinderspielplatz and the Marianneninsel – seinen Besucherinnen and Besucher ebenfalls green Erholungsraum.

The Festival La Gacilly Baden Photo is visible after the unauthorized person. The parks in Baden have created ebenfalls für Besucherinnen and Besucher.


Forest quarter

Alle Top-Ausflugsziele des Waldviertels stehen Besucherinnen und Besuchern der Region zur Wahl. If you have the beliefs of Kittenberger Erlebnisgärten, who have created a wonderland of garden fantasy with 50 themes.

A SONNENTOR hat for big and small opened and enthusiastic with a pair in the operation.

In the Sole Felsen Bad in Gmünd you can enjoy the sea and relax in the summer and salt water.

Das Renaissanceschloss Rosenburg thanked its website for the most Einsatzkräften: You are from 28.-29.09 and 5.-6.10 on the Ritterturnier. can who find planted statistics.

A multimedia Ausstellung was a man in the SONNENWELT Großschönau, who führt during 12 Zeitzonen.

Der Weinherbst in Langenlois will end up in the Kriecherlkirtag Schönbach (Sonntag, 22.09.) who planted stattfinden.

I am in Nationalpark Thayatal since 3 of the 16 weeks with a lot of nutzbar. One of the best ways to help others is a more intensive equipment.

All main streets in Yspertal and Weitental can be ridden without hindrance.
