
ACV warns of erhöhter Gefahr — Extremnews — Die etwas others Nachrichten

ACV warns of erhöhter Gefahr — Extremnews — Die etwas others Nachrichten

Wild waterfalls can be passive all year round, but in the herb and fruit sector the German risks are high. Responsible as the short days, the Dämmerung während of the main traffic times, ensures the increased activity of the wild animals, which are on such night feeding and safe wintering places.

Hohe Gefahr for Mensch and Tier

The problem is that there is no concern for the level of the car, but for autofahrerinnen and autofahrer-gefährlich. Laut dem Deutschen Jagdverband (DJV), more than 3,000 people were lost at Wildunfällen. In 2022, the German Kfz-Versicherer will ship 265,000 Wild Dune Falls, which will cost more than 950 Million Euro.

One of the challenges for the company is to start the ACV Automobil-Club Verkehr in the Vergangenheit of the Campaign “Animals know no traffic rules”. The Campaign is a destination, the Heavy a Collision Swiss Pkw and Wild Animal is explained: The arrival of a Rother at 60 km/h the weight of five tons – comparable to the weight of a grown elephant. That said, no matter how heavy the following things are, it is a matter of doing.

Tips for Vermeidung von Wildunfällen

The ACV follows Empfehlungen, a Wildunfälle zu avoid:

  • Wachsamkeit in der Dämmerung en bij schlechter Sicht: Below 6 and 8 hours, the 17 and 20 hours are the Gefahr von Wildtierbegegnungen hoch. Auch bei Nacht oder Nebel ist erhöhte Vorsicht geboten.

  • Recognizing hazards: Especially an uninterested forest and field area that is a dangerous exclusion zone.

  • Frost on the new roads: Roads, which pass through an impenetrable forest area, pose a high risk, which protects their paths.

  • Adjust speed: When addressing the impacts of climate change, a longer response time and a short Bremsweg will occur.

  • Rich Verhalten at Tieren am Straßenrand: The German German suspension and the airy light are no longer suitable for blending. Betritt das Tier die Fahrbahn, their and other abbreviations.

  • In other words: Wild animals are large in groups on the road. There is a level at which you can focus on the following things.

Weight: Auf keinen Fall sollte man abruptly ausscheren or der Spur wechseln, um einem Tier auszuweichen. A problem may arise that no longer occurs in the trade.

Stories in the Fall of Wildunfalls

So long as you are happy with your business, your business is separate:

  • Drive carefully: Warn a warning, there is a warning signal.

  • Accident protection: Warnwest-anlegen und das Warndreieck aufstellen.

  • Help reading: Bei Personenschäden Erste Hilfe leisten en den Notruf 112 verständigen.

  • Risk of infection on beaches: Tote Tiere nicht ohne Handschuhe anfassen and living Tieren Abstand halten.

  • Polizei or Jäger beachrichtigen: If Wildunfall was to be reported, it would not be possible to fix the damage or the level would be cleared.

The police or a hunter can provide a wildlife warning for surveillance. Damages on the vehicle, which were taken care of by the typical wild drivers, were taken over in the Rules of the Kaskoversicherung.

Quelle: ACV Automobil-Club Verkehr (ots)