
Darum klatscht im Flugzeug kaum noch jemand

Darum klatscht im Flugzeug kaum noch jemand

Well, all you know is not: Nach erolgreicher Landung wurde im Flugzeug gelatscht. It is becoming increasingly common for a flugbegleiterin to leave the green.

Applause animals can hurt a little, it’s an attack that’s coming out of fashion. Nur nor in wenigen Fallen comemt es vor, dass Passagiere nach de Landung der Maschine klatschen. People who do not experience extreme anxiety, if you do that, will come to your attention. If this excellent self-esteem is appreciated with applause, it will appear as if it is a good experience.

Applaudierten de Passagiere früher nach der Landung

Early in the morning I was flying something special. Only a few can I make a flight. If you are busy with your business, go to a board with a first-class service – another large menu service, but it has never been so good in the Business Class service. This is a game for children or on the head. The chatter is ringing from the good service and spreads as a value estimate for the pilots after a successful landing.

Flugbegleiterin verrät: “Flying has become a normality”

If you are a party tourist, you can fly to Mallorca, but it may also not be in the air. “Flying has become normal,” says a flight guide shared with the magazine Travel book. It is “quasi wie Zugoder Busfahren”, so Michelle P.* weiter. What kind of fluids come with it were special and if Luxus galten, it’s great to have everything, quickly from A to B zu kommen.

Knigge experts assess klatschen im Flieger ab

“If you have a klatscht, then it is one of the people who now superselten or gar zum allersten Mal fly”, explains the stewardess. Mittlerweile is an excellent choice. Zumindest reviews Knigge-Experten davon ab. It is worth leaving the crew. According to the motto, ‘who had thought that, that we come well to the bottom’. It seems that the job of the pilots is the Passenger who is brought to the bottom.

If someone flies in the air, that’s what the pilots said, then this is not possible. After the Türen zum Cockpit and zum Schutz for Eindringlingen have been armored. The Applaudiens würde now the Crew were waiting. Flugbegleiterin Mihelle P. thought it was a so-called gesture, but it is not notorious. “The guests are always grateful for their personal gratitude,” the message reads.

*Name changed – the Flugbegleiterin can remain anonymous.