
Expertise und Fortschritt – Tag der openen Tür: Regionale Erfolgsgeschichte: 35 Jahre GemeindeWerke Telfs

Expertise und Fortschritt – Tag der openen Tür: Regionale Erfolgsgeschichte: 35 Jahre GemeindeWerke Telfs

At the age of 35, the GemeindeWerke Telfs GmbH can look back. The 100% discount on the Telfs marketplace how an unguarded partner of the region felt, was on September 20, 2024 on the day of the attack clearly by the war.

TELEPHONE. E-Work and Cable TV were the first Tätigkeitsfelder of the young Unternehmens at my Gründung by the damalige Bürgermeister Helmut Kopp in the year 1989. Mittlerweile 50 MitarbeiterInnen voor een sichere en verlässliche Versorgung der Burger:innen in een um Telfs. The Unternehmen und die Gesamte Telfer Bevölkerung zählt dabei auf de Einsatzvieler Spezialisten auf ihrem Gebiet, de 24 Stunden und 7 Tage die Woche bzw. 365 days in the year of abrufbereit since, erklärt Geschäftsführer Gordon Kool at a small anniversary party with the Vorsitzenden des Aufsichtsrats Harald Schneiderand Telfer Mayor Christian HeartVorsitzender of the GWT-Generalversammlung. Gordon Köll enjoys motivated thoughts:

“If you want to learn more about the way of living abroad, you can best use woolen or special machines and a bet of your own with our Know How method for the long term.”

The GWTelfs for the citizen program were published on September 20, the day of the Open Door on Friday. While the debts are now taking over, the cunning of the municipal companies show that they are looking and the path of the washermen to the persecution, until it finally flies out of the Wasserhähnen: “Many will not change, what is behind them”, also explained Bgm. Christian Härting, who started working in a positive way to end his work, received money and a sum of 25.3 million euros. It has been 35 years since the other generation is the best for the upgraded Zukunft.

Feier of the new Vehicles: The new Allzweck-LKW is equipped with a 21 year old vehicle and Steht for a broad Einsatzspektrum.

Wachsendes Leistungspektrum in 35 Jahren

Below the first Geschäftsführer Thomas Thöni Standen de GemeindeWerke Telfs zu Begin voor allem voor de Stromerzeugung van Wasserkraft und de Kabel-TV-Angebot. In 1996, the Trinkwasserver- und Abwasserentsorgung was founded by the Wirtschaftshof. Since 1997, the Unternehmen has started providing stable internet connections in the digital infrastructure of the new maßstäbe.
Heute umfast das Leistungspektrum among others the Trinkwasserversorgung, Abwasserentsorgung, Energieerzeugung and also watercraft and photovoltaic technology High-speed broadband internet, cable TV and Fixed network telephone. Also Electrical installations, E-Ladeinfrastruktur and the company a Electrical company Read more about Portfolio.

Christian Härting, Vorsitzender of the GWT-Generalversammlung (left) with Geschäftsführer Gordon Köll and the Vorsitzenden of the Aufsichtsrats Harald Schneider (right.).

“Moderate Gebühren durch exzellente Arbeit”

Bürgermeister Christian Härting, Before the GWT General’s channel went on air, he said he was consistently positive about the joint work and team spirit:

“Thank you to the reformed Arbeit des Teams who can provide for our citizens with a moderate burden: there are sycherstellen. Im Tiroler Gebührenvergleich liegt in Mittelfeld – that is a clearer story. The Mitarbeiter: the GemeindeWerke is absolutely fachleute, because we can always be relieved. We have a good mix of heritage and young Esprit. If we continue with the Ausbildung of Lehrlingen, the unattended Zukunft will be safe. Thank you for meeting Geschäftsführer Gordon Köll’s team. During your lifetime there will be a stronger innovation drive in the region.”

High performance safety is guaranteed for everyone

Thanks to a strong equity of 38.8 percent of the products and a remarkable debt claim of only 0.13 years – during which time the connecting of the companies can begin – GemeindeWerke Telfs GmbH is again equipped to realize the associated large projects for a specific purpose and a stable infrastructure. Geschäftsführer Gordon Köll explains:

“Our company is best positioned. With a highly qualified team and continuous optimum performance, you can create a safe and cost-efficient supply. Our water system is built in such a way that it is one of the most important water qualities in the main building, which is no longer in operation”,

Innovative Lighthouse Projects in Focus

The following years are on the following project: 2025 gründet the GWT community with the marktgemeinde one of the quarries Energiegemeinschaften Österreichs.

“With this initiative, all joint initiatives can be supplied with their own electricity. “To reduce the impact on the international traffic market”,

erklärt Bgm. Christian Hartting. In parallel, the following is done with the following glass fiber networks:

“We have been the fastest and most stable Internet provider in the region and could continue to expand this position,”

so Köll. Consider the GWT mass in the flood protection project in the Mösern responsible for the operation of the canalization and the washing system. From new Rückhaltebecken in Mösern benefits from the lying Ortsteil Platten and the Gemeinde Pettnau.

Interested in working with new GWT specialists: Elektro-Lehrling Dagdelen Oguzhan and Schlosserlehrling Denis Iljozovic both died in the community works.

“Thanks to the entire team”

Harald Schneider, Director of the Research Council, lobs the fascinating and insightful Work of the Teams:

„Unternehmensenwicklung is immer mit Herausforderungen connected, but the GemeindeWerke Telfs has mastered this inheritance. The positive Bilanz, the motivation to start working and to spread the good results through the high expertise of our colleagues. A big thank you to everyone for your helpful support. That Zukunft can come.”

With these activities and projects you can facilitate joint work and become an increased partner for the region in the coming years.

Entwicklung in Zahlen, Daten, Facts:

Gründung 1989 with E-Werk & Cable TV
1996 Eingliederung Wasser & Kanal und Wirtschaftshof
1997 Start of Internet offer
2008 Betriebszentrale in Telfer Bahnhofstraße visited
2012 RedZac Übernahme in the Ortszentrum of Telfs

50 Mitarbeiter:innen (darunter three Lehrlinge)
Balance sheet 2023:
25.3 million euros
Turnover 2023: 12 million euros
Own quote: 38.8%
Fictitious Debt Collection Duration: 0.13 years

Scope of discipline:
Internet & Cable TV
Drinking water & detergent
Energy & Sustainability
Industrial Estate & Crafts
RedZac Company