
More says Interested in Hartberg-Job: “Würde mich reis”

At TSV Hartberg is the man who the überraschenden Abgang von Markus Schopp no ​​longer in such a way to a fitting Nachfolger. Manfred Schmid and FAC-Coach Mitja Morec will be the best candidates, the active trainer of the Wiener Zweitligisten can have a involvement with the Eastern European during the pre-season.

Mitja Morec wanted to travel to Wechsel after Hartberg.

Mitja Morec wanted to travel to Wechsel after Hartberg.
GEPA photos

After the Wechsel von Markus Schopp zum LASK steht der TSV Hartberg auch more as two weeks later still nor our new Cheftrainer da. By adopting Markus Karner’s Mannschaft, most Lizenz feelings will lose a long time in their game. With Manfred Schmid (as soon as possible), the active FAC Trainer Mitja Morec will generate two names as favorite candidates, but the greater chance of an engagement in the Eastern European market is to be fooled. FAC Geschäftsführer Stefan Krainz was very pleased with this ORFThe Hartberger is interested in the Coach of the Wiener Zweitligisten, but he or she cannot perform any official function.

The Slovakian Chief Trainer works at a level of 1:2 – the best approach is based on the judgment of the individual person and that he/she would be able to cope with the situation in which the Bundesligist is strong, everything else is as follows: “Your Bundesligist would like to travel with you. We will erase all The first Bundesliga is a journey for the Hartberg coach who has grown enormously over the years.’ I think it is old with two jointed points now on the table top table, which is also the first four of each other’s games in the active Saison absolviert.

But Mörec, from April 2021 onwards, sees the sporting feeling at the Floridsdorfern club, but that is not all about the Entscheidung über seine kunftige Station kann: “Über meine Zukunft became ich in de kommenden Tagen entscheiden. Es liegt nicht nur an mir , auch alles In 113 games as a FAC coach, a Slovak can claim a Punk score of 1.74.