
Russian military is looking forward to Tesla Cybertrucks

Russian military is looking forward to Tesla Cybertrucks

The bizarre Schauspiel rund um den Tesla Cybertruck and Ramsan Kadyrow hat the last deed is accomplished. The sketch force has a video surveillance light, in the 2nd with machines bewaffnete Cybertrucks that they see.

Laut Kadyrow has 2 new Cybertrucks in Ukraine Suitable, if not, to serve Russian troops. ‘Western technology functions like the Western technology of the British Nazis. Mobility, transport and comfort – the quality of electric cars is higher at the front. That’s how you interact with your TV,” Schreibt Kadyrow wrote on Telegram.

➤ Read more: Burewestnik: Russian nuclear weapon Superwaffe rückt näher

Kadyrow’s Cybertruck per internet blocked

A tag Kadyrow sees on Telegram, Musk says in a Cybertruck turned off from the oven have – and black the Cybertruck, the musk a gift hat. “It is not net, Elon Musk was so power. The first power is that giving gifts and turning them off is for the fernsteuerung.”

The story has begun Mid August. Kadyrow has a video light, in this case a Cybertruck light. Auf der Ladefläche is Russian NSV machine power in Caliber 12.7x108mm on a lafette mount. There is grateful Muskus for this English gift.

On the other side of journalist Seth Abramson, where Musk took on the American armed forces for the military use of his American reporting agency, before the American government entered into battle with the United States. Musk answers him: “Are you so happy, that you glubst, I had given a Russian General a Cybertruck?”

➤ Read more: Musk dementia gifts Cybertruck: “Are you crazy about it?”

Cybertrucks are really versatile

The Cybertruck is not officially available again in Russia, Belarus or Czech Republic. Kadyrow has deployed more e-cars about Zwischenhändler imported from the USA.

Jedenfalls are no longer a Mock-up or a new design that has been made: When we were a new Cybertruck body, which went to work with another car, the power of the Tesla deactivation would be taken over – this is the basis on which the truth would be assumed a Tesla wish.

It’s the most technical technology Tesla uses in the Cybertruck GPS or IP address in Czechia local and blocked hat. The official company was not involved. Bisher has done his reconstruction of Tesla and Elon Musk.

The foundation that does this is Tesla at one of the costs of Cybertrucks in the purchase delay, which will take a year after the Auslieferung a Further sale not permitted ist. The entsprechende Passage would emerge from the Kaufverträgen at the end of 2023.

Read more: Were the Cybertruck in the first year of purchase, without having to worry about it

Cybertruck in that form not suitable for the Krieg

It is likely that Cybertrucks have been put into action. That would not happen in Ukraine. It is a shame Browning-M2 Machine guns in caliber .50 BMG guard. It is a Waffe of the West and the NATO Ländern. Russia again used neither the Waffe nor the Kaliber.

Moreover, it is Lafette an indication not for the M2 bzw. the mounting on the Cybertruck is dimensioned. The M2 housing at Schießen is strongly up and down, causing the snarl at Feuerstößen to sink. Dieses Hüpfen is deutlicher als etwa bei einem Humvee of the US Army, on an M2 mount.

There are instances where the back page is fragmented, where the Cybertrucks in the video are in formation with 2 normal cars. The small strategic advantage is lost, as electric cars are in the battlefield less fort movement can be used as gasoline.

Those soldiers, the left and right vom Maschinengewehrschützen sitzen, haben in dem Video reconstruction Deckung noch einen guten Halt. When driving faster through the fields, the light can have fallen out of the vehicle. If you use the Cybertruck, this can no longer happen. Small caliber, bird shot and along the name Pistol caliber are cases of normal Sturmgewehr caliber, which 5.45x39mm Oder 5.56 NATOThere are problems with the stainless steel body.

Some Cybertrucks Fly in Ukraine While Being Bald Photos or videos of the Steam burst give. Or the PerformanceIf we return with learning Akkus, we will have no geeiigneten loading stations in the Kriegsgebiet.