
Landwirtschaftsminister Özdemir advocates GROPYUS’ Smart Factory in Richen in …

Landwirtschaftsminister Özdemir advocates GROPYUS’ Smart Factory in Richen in …


Landwirtschaftsminister Özdemir discussed the GROPYUS Smart Factory in Richen in Baden-Württemberg

Richen, September 21, 2024 (ots)

A look at Bauens’ series

  • Federal Economics Minister Cem Özdemir takes a look at GROPYUS’ world-class, highly automated manufacturing industry in Richen in Baden-Württemberg
  • The technology-based construction company GROPYUS is working to digitalize, pay for and sustain the transformation of the construction industry in the future
  • From 2025, GROPYUS will start in the Smart Factory with a production capacity of 250,000 sqm gross slope area and a scaffolding capacity of 20 percent

Cem Özdemir, Federal Minister for Food and Agriculture, has chosen the highly modern and prosperous Smart Factory from GROPYUS in the Baden-Württemberg region on Saturday. GROPYUS is currently building its own best-in-class production facilities. The high level of automation of production, in the 50 robotic production lines with digital production processes and 120 in-house robot work and production elements, marks one of the most successful transformations of the construction industry in Germany and has long been a cost-efficient, world-friendly and fully-fledged digital gesture construction reality.

“Beim Thema Bauen stehen wir risigen Herausforderungen. If you urgently want to enter your home, you should make your building more climate-friendly and safe. Provided Holz as Baustoff he read new potential losses. Holz speichert Kohlenstoff and the best series, modular efficiency and climate-friendly working. Moreover, we are willing to pay attention to the construction initiative of the Federal Government that is responsible for building construction. The Holzbau initiative is a strong signal for internal transformation and decarbonization of the economy,” said Cem Özdemir upon its existence.

GROPYUS would set up multiple, sustainable Holz-Hybrid-Multi-family houses in the Smart Factory in Richen and produce them in industrial large-scale production. These are fully digitally planned, automatically automated and linked to the construction sites with automatic assembly. The second company has set up an end-to-end digitalization, which optimizes and improves construction production – from planning to production and construction. The robot in the Smart Factory has an automation degree of 86 percent. By doing so, GROPYUS reduces the construction time by around 50 percent compared to the previous construction methods.

Markus Fuhrmann, CEO of GROPYUS, explains the meaning of these technological innovations: “Our Smart Factory is putting new masses in mass production wood construction. We have developed the production facility in a product-oriented simultaneous engineering process and are committed to the low, in a thorough process of planning in the individual development of life. If the old kitchen is no longer a faster and more efficient building, then go on the path of the climate-friendly home for all ages. We want to make a significant contribution to the solution of the living space and climate crisis with our technology.”

In the new Smart Factory, the wall elements in your cow are fermented for 16 minutes per element. This efficiency, combined with the most demanding materials and digital processes, is light and GROPYUS, more than 3,500 homes envisages a gross profit of 250,000 m² to be achieved. GROPYUS alle Kompetenzen für die Steuerung der Anlage, Prozessdefinition und Optimierung sowie Maschinenbau gebündelt liegt, erwartet das Unternehmen perspektivisch een Steigerung der Produktionskapazität a 20 Prozent auf 300.000 qm Bruttogeschossfläche per Jahr.


GROPYUS is a technologically advanced basic model for residential construction in 2019, which, with its high-quality, affordable and sustainable building concepts, makes a contribution to solving housing problems and ensures greater climate resilience. GROPYUS provides its wooden hybrid multi-family houses completely from a single source. The connection of software and technology, construction, robotics and serial production are most concerned with digitalizing, automating and industrializing end-to-end processes. While the flexible elementary construction system has a fundamentally efficient, individual planning and fast construction design in the form of a construction system, there is a separate and fully integrated construction system. In collaboration with established companies that GROPYUS from the real estate industry are on the road in a nightly, digital Zukunft. In the cities of Wien, Berlin, Steinhaus, Richen, Dornbirn and Ruggell since around 400 Mitarbeiter:innen tätig. Gegründet wurde GROPYUS ua von Markus Fuhrmann (Mitgründer des börsennotierten Essenslieferdienst Lieferheld/Delivery Hero), Philipp Erler and Bernd Oswald.

For the Innovation Power that GROPYUS 2023 presents with the “PropTech of the Year Award” from the industry association ZIA (Zentraler Immobilien Ausschuss eV) with the Ernst & Young “Scale-up Award” in the PropTech and Real Estate category.

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Press contact:

Hermin Charlotte Bartelheimer
Head of Corporate Communications and Marketing
Phone: +49 151 724 319 68
Email address: [email protected]

Original content from: GROPYUS AG, added to the news