
Oktoberfest Start – Söder lobs in Lederhose: Wiesn „einfach besser“ as Berlin – Bavaria

Oktoberfest Start – Söder lobs in Lederhose: Wiesn „einfach besser“ as Berlin – Bavaria

Munich (dpa) – Unbeschwerte Partystimmung trotz erhöhter Sicherheitsvorkehrungen: The Münchner Oktoberfest has begun. Oberbürgermeister Dieter Reiter (SPD) zapfte at Samstag at Punkt 12.00 Uhr in Schottenhamel-Zelt the first Fass Beer with two Schlägen and a very light beer with a great Volksfest der Welt: “Ozapf is!” Versuchen, the tragedy is not itself, said Reiter. It’s the whole world’s fault.

After the Schätzungen der Festleitung came first Tag gute halbe Million Menschen auf de Theresienwiese.

The first freshly zapped Maß Bier reichte Reiter traditionscommanded Bavarian Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU), to invite him to a baked Wiesn. It is the power that everyone has during his new outfit that has its reason. The first thing that happened is that Bart had a weld. A trick has never been as the old lederhosen of Wiesn – a best Miesbacher Hirschlederne, which is traditional in the Alpine foothills.

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“I would always like to have an opportunity,” said the Prime Minister, who is from Franken, who would have had the opportunity to have an opportunity to be there, since there is this year in which you are living. When I am in summer, there is contact with the power of the lederhosen. One of them is then a bekommen. Zur Begründung, war is a tragedy of Lederhose, it is a kurz and knapp: “Weil es gut ausschaut.”

Zum ersten Mal in Lederhosen: Bayern’s Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU). (Photo: Peter Kneffel/dpa)

For OB Reiter the whole was an unwanted remark: There is a preponderance, that is the Prime Minister, the son of the black dusfhosen to the Anstich, one of the things you can do. “It stands there though.”

While the power would not even give an answer to old age, Friedrich Merz would be the Union’s Chancellor candidate with: “Berlin or the Wiesn – the Wiesn is simply better.”

Weather: sunny and dry

In mild temperatures and sunshine, the cradles were in the mildest temperature conditions of the party. The forecasts are for the first time we go home – the most sunny in the summer, it is 20 degrees warm. Then it will be a question of what you can do and how to rain.

Schon am frühen Tomorrow the first Wiesn-Fans – dressed in Dirndl and Lederhose – and the Eingängen at the Öffnung des Festgeländes gewartet will attend. When Tore finishes at 9:00 am, stürmten Hunderte im Laufschritt Richtung Festzelte, a good Platz on ergattern. The war in Andrang is enormous – you can follow the paths of our sons Wetters.

At 9 o’clock the Tore zum Gelände – en der Ansturm started. (Photo: Karl-Josef Hildenbrand/dpa)

The police in Munich said they were working on the Auftakt. If Nachmittag is a “relativistic quiet”, you can say a word.

The previous tradition was one of prominent figures, including Florian Silbereisen, DJ Ötzi, Franz Herzog of Bayern, Carolin Reiber and the schauspielerinnen Michaela May and Jutta Speidel, who together with their selfies powers. On the other side of the Dortmunder Torwart Roman Weidenfeller war, comedian Michael Mittermeier and “Tatort” commissioner Udo Wachtveitl.

Michaela May (l.) and Jutta Speidel take a selfie. (Photo: Stefan Puchner/dpa)

On October 6, the Millionen Besucher was completed. I have a year ago at 18 years a party of 7.2 million million dollars earned – after the session of the city of Munich as the Veranstalterin which had not yet begun in the year 1980.

Two days in a row after the arrival and the beginning of the Ausschanks landete the first sogenannte Bieropfer at the Wiesn-Sanitätsstation. At 2.31 pm it will be 24 years before we arrive in the USA with the slow speed, reported Michel Belcijan, Chief Ambulance Officer.

Verschärfte Sicherheitsvorkehrungen

Those who start with a varied security forkehrungen. As a result of the Islamic motivators of Solingen and Munich, checks and eings will intensify, while other manual metal detecting towers will start working. About 600 police officers marched on the 16th Festtagen im Dienst signal. Dazu bowls Tausende Ordner. 1,200 to 1,500 since only the city was settled.

Controls and high police personnel have long been busy excluding security concepts, a word for larger bags, knives and glass bottles. Above the gelände there are also flight bans for drones. Video cameras help protect the geländes.

Beer teurer, Trinkwasser free

The beer is a lot longer. Die Maß costs between 13.60 and 15.30 Euro. Tafelwasser is in the schnitt at the Euro per Liter. If you want, it costs Trinkwasser and Brunnen on the Festgelände. In the south of the Theresienwiese you will find the traditions of Oide Wiesn with Blasmusik, Volkstanz and historical Fahrgeschäften statt.

Tragic Accident

The start of the parties is one of the most common Arbeitsunfall. The Olympia-Looping-Achterbahn would make a test run with a Zug error for 20 years, in the Krankenhaus. The Bahn works after the TÜV-Freigabe in Saturday.

Zum Wiesn-Start aber dominierte zunächst trotz allem de Feierstimmung. Enjoy your visit to the Oktoberfest Festival especially during your stay in Ausland in the Bayerische Landeshauptstadt. Wiesn chief Clemens Baumgärtner said: “Those people are fröhlich, those people are tense.”

“O’Kunst is”: For Skandalkünstler Jonathan Meese is a Gesamtkunstwerk (Photo: Stefan Puchner/dpa)

This is also the Skandalkünstler Jonathan Meese: “It is a Gesamtkunstwerk”, described by the 54-year-old Oktoberfest. “Here is no ideology, it is now lived – with love.” And: “Die Wiesn ist die Mutter aller Feste.”

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