
Betriebsseelsorger helps with mental problems

Betriebsseelsorger helps with mental problems

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Betriebsseelsorger helps with mental problems
Michael Kafka is a Betriebsseelsorger and has carried out an attack on the Sprechstunde in Wasserburg. © Weinfurtner

Mobbing at the Arbeitsplatz, Leistungsdruck, Stress: Michael Kafka hat als Betriebs-Seelsorger in Wasserburg schon vales erlebt. “Sich Hilfe zu holen, ist mit fell Sorge connected”, weiß der Experte. No one wants to know more – and who can help.

Waterburg – If there is a problem, it is a problem that affects your life. It is ways Mobbing, Streit mit Kollegen, nuisance or the job and the family are never redeemed. If Hilfe in that Bereich is busy or a little on the way to his work, a Michael Kafka can turn – at the age of 53 is the Betriebsseelsorger in Wasserburg.

If there is a problem with the track

As a business owner, Kafka is concerned with all aspects that concern working life. “Everything is possible,” it says. “It is a matter of the same nature as the working life of the job.” Seit een inhalb Jahren labor is non in diesem Bereich. There is war in the family history. Angestellt is Kafka at the Katholischen Kirche as Gemeinderreferent. If you are concerned with betriebseelsorger, there are cost-free and uninterested in religion and well-being, then it is time to start with workshops in firms and work with betriebsräten and gewerkschaften together.

Zu seinem Beruf als Seelsorger kam Kafka über Umwege. There is an electric power supply and more years in this lousy equipment. As Pfadfinder and Mitglied des Bunds der Katholiek Jugend, the Rechtmehringer jedoch has marked, that is a lie with Menschen-workers. And that is now a religious pedagogue. “My dear life can be very good here. I am white, who is working in a clear way,” explains Kafka.

Gemeinsam und Problemen arbeiten

What is this, it is one of the consequences of a larger problem and a loss for the previous problem. “Manchmal can be a loss, that is what weitervermittle, for example and a psychiatrist”, so the business concern. The schwierigkeiten are as uninteresting as the person himself. If it is a question of another goal, Kafka can spend a longer time. “Often the person feels a person, with his only darüber reden können”, said the 53-year-old age. Whoever wants to come, needs no Nachweis. So the business concern of the disappearance is obliged.

But der Schritt, if you have a problem, it cannot be otherwise. “Sich Hilfe zu holen ist with fear and sorrow connected, sofort in a global Einrichtung eingewiesen zu be”, said Kafka. If you have a problem, it’s another problem with a big problem in sales. Those Denkmusters would never lie nor would they lie. “The leader is more than just a leader, one of the greatest leaders.”

Speech for Betriebsseelsorge in Wasserburg

Michael Kafka is a business sorority in Wasserburg and speaks about a.

When? Jews drove Montag im Monat from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. The night term is from October 21 to November 18, 2024. Oder nach Vereinbarung.

What? I am Bürgerbahnhof in Wasserburg

We bowls: all, a connection with religion or the world, a connection with the Berufsstand (auch Studierende, Auszubildende, Arbeitslose)

Welch The men who fell under the Betriebsseelsorge? Everything, that is with their work experience (Vereinbarkeit von Familie und Beruf, Neuorientierungen/Job-Verlust or Mobbing)

Michael Kafka is available under the telephone number 0175 – 225 12 75 or by e-mail under [email protected]. You can appeal on Instagram or Facebook under the title „menschen.wuerdig.arbeiten“.

There is a problem, it is one of the most affected cases, a burnout in the form of mobbing at work or a problem with the disease. “Especially men do not trust themselves”, said Kafka. “Once you know that you are given an honorable task, it is a fast person who has a big problem in his life”, explains the business solicitor. If the performance pressure has suffered a trauma from the Second World War, the entire generation has continued to go further. “During the war, many were placed on themselves and had to deal with problems alone”, it says. The captains who had managed to get someone wrong, had easily failed.

There are many people who have much greater involvement, such as social or mental coaches, who have enormous mental health in the labor market, like Kafka. Smaller bets can not last long. Another Trugschluss: the family mood in companies. “It is of course a beautiful work environment, but it can be a big problem to recognize and let go,” warned Kafka. Dafür brauche is beroepshelfe – wie in de Sprechstunde im Bürgerbahnhof.