
3. Liga: Wahnsinn: 1860 Munich wins after Tor aus 60 Metern

3. Liga: Wahnsinn: 1860 Munich wins after Tor aus 60 Metern

A Tor des Jahres by Thore Jacobsen from the own arcade of TSV 1860 Munich and a court that coach Argirios Gianniks urgently needs to protect in the 3. Fußball League. The 27 years of all the Mittelfeldspieler erzielte seinen spektakulären Treffer zum 1:0 (0:0) in Bielefeld gegen die bis Samstag ungeschlagene Arminia in der 88. Spielminute aus 60 Metern.

“Actually, it can’t be that bad. I’m lucky that the ball rolls at me with speed,” Jacobsen painted his first Drittliga-Tor for 1860 with the left foot at MagentaSport. There are people who have joined and it’s one of the few things they have to do.

After a fehl pass, Jacobsen can see the opportunity, the Bielefelder Torwart Jonas Kersken is overrun. The ball thrashes and thrashes and lands tatsächlich in Tor. Kersken could no longer mach in Zurücklaufen.

“Without one of the first moments that were played,” Giannikis says after the break in the season game. “We want to have a good day, it is valuable Karma,” said the 1860-Coach zum Wahnsinnstor von Jacobsen. In the Table, those “Löwen” were placed on Platz 14 vor.

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