
Burgenländerinnen zwischen den Welten –

Burgenländerinnen zwischen den Welten –


The cultural anthropology of Susanne Nebel and Naomi and their commuting can take many years in the Burgenland and in the East African Insel Sansibar. Susanne Nebel was born in Litzelsdorf and has walked her study of cultural anthropology in Sansibar style.

Most of the month is a year of sitting and mumbling Susanne and Noami in Sansibar. They work with a hotel and some secret NGOs. Naomi is a half-African woman and was born in Tansania in 30 years. Then leave it on the Insel Sanisbar. „I have my childhood in Sansibar, aber auch schon in Wien verbracht. I was in Wien im Kindergarten und wir haben jeweils Zeit in Wien and auch auf Sansibar. We were always unterwegs,” says Naomi Fuchs-Nebel.

Susanne Nebel and Naomi Fuchs-Nebel


Susanne Nebel and her daughter Naomi in the archive

When Naomi came into the world, Susanne Nebel was born as a young woman in Africa in the 1990s. “I would like to get into the Entwicklungs situation. I have a practice in Washington DC at the National Museum of African Art and have gotten to know the nation’s personal chef. Yes, and so I came to Sansibar and lived in the Insel sofort and thought, that I am on the beach of Chambiani – that is the village, we will live in our hotel – that is the most beautiful city of the world.” , so Susanne Nebel.

Aufbau des Tourismus met gestaltet

The hotel is located on Susanne Nebel Street, nor before tourism in the interior. “We have learned from the beginning how the island develops. The founder is almost no longer able to carry out some of his development projects and then speak through the NGO, which will grow,” says Susanne Nebel.

Susanne Nebel and Naomi Fuchs-Nebel


In Tansania, Susanne Nebel stays in a hotel, Tochter Naomi lives with her

It is an eco-tourism and education. Naomi led a women’s project, the unique education for females. If you go looking for your doctor and a native population, your house dies in a lost haben. Foreign investors have more names in the National Parks.

Susanne Nebel and Naomi Fuchs-Nebel


Mutter and Tochter are satisfied with their work, the Einheimische Bevölkerung zu unterstützen

“The question for Tanzania is today: Who can unite nature conservation with ecologically verifiable tourism and human rights? If the mirror were for man and the country of origin, then the state of Tanzania would not be all on the map of tourism and free investment”; thus Naomi Fuchs-Nebel.

Dieser Beitrag begleitet de Sendung “Burgenland heute”, September 21, 2024.