
Brandenburg-Wahl: So exciting is the Endspurt in Potsdam | Politics

Brandenburg-Wahl: So exciting is the Endspurt in Potsdam | Politics

SPD and CDU at the Wahlkampf-Zielgeraden in Brandenburg!

Während from the aspiring SPD Prime Minister Dietmar Woidke (62) in Frankfurt and the Oder with Fluthelfern Hände schüttelte, unterstützte of the CDU-Partijvorsitzende Friedrich Merz, the Candidates of the Christian Democrats Jan Redmann at this letzem Termin for the tomorrow’s Landtagswahl in Potsdam.

Dort herrscht good Stimmung beim Wahlkampfabschluss. Merz and Redmann (44) were very well received. Great happiness even if you experienced it, that’s it Merz jetzt der “designierte Kanzlerkandidat begrüßt were darf”.

Good Stimmung and best Wetter at Wahlkampfabschluss der CDU. Merz and Redmann are deeply appreciated

Good Stimmung and best Wetter at Wahlkampfabschluss der CDU. Merz and Redmann are deeply appreciated

Photo: Liesa Johannssen/REUTERS

“I ended up separating hundreds of voices, it is a strong direction of the small government, or the extremists and populists from the left or right of the weight in the hand,” so Merz. And further: “Sie haben es in der Hand.”

There is no concrete yet, which will start itself when the AfD will have the most powerful Kraft factory tomorrow, it will not be the case that those parties are driven and gain power while they are massively stimulated by Ampel.

“We want to abolish this transition government. If it is no longer so, we will end up in the wool government. No, I would like to govern, a country that we would like to see, damn our childish and simple life in Germany.”

▶︎Während the AfD in Senftenberg with its Europe-Abgeordneten Maximilian Krah nor a Wahlkampf force, find in Potsdam (at 2 p.m.) bis in the spaten Abend hinein a Kundgebung statt under the motto “Stabil bleiben – gegen AfD und Rechtsruck“. Enjoy this music with bands from Madsen and Sportfreunde Stiller.

▶︎ SPD, Grüne and Linke have opened the Wahlkampfabschluss in the Freitag and the FDP in the Donnerstag. The Bündnis Sahra Wagenknecht (BSW) castle of the Wahlkampf offiziell schon am Mittwoch in Potsdam im Beisein der Parteigründerin und Namensgeberin ab.

A final look at the Wahl on the Oderhochwasser and the uncertain political future

A final look at the Wahl on the Oderhochwasser and the uncertain political future

Photo: Fabrizio Bensch/REUTERS

Laut der letzten Umfrage voor der Wahl läuft es am Sonntag auf ens Rennen zwischen SPD en AfD hinaus: The AfD lies in their Donnerstag veröffentlicht ZDF-Politbarometer Extra with 28 Prozent nur nor handsome for the SPD with 27 Prozent. Prime Minister Woidke directs twice with a coalition of the SPD, CDU and Grünen. Sollte es de Sozialdemokraten since 1990 nicht, de first Platz zu mature, Woidke sich zurückziehen.

Umfrage: AfD leadership for SPD – Infografik