
Who wants three startups and cannabis clubs to make money?

Who wants three startups and cannabis clubs to make money?

During the legalization of social clubs in the cannabis industry, there are more Geschäftsfelder.

During the legalization of social clubs in the cannabis industry, there are more Geschäftsfelder.
Getty Images/Jena Ardell; Collage Dominik Schmitt

Cannabis Social Clubs have creative names with Friseurläden: High Society, Hanf im Glück, Broccoli Buddies, Starbuds. The Wortspiele seem endless. Much more money for credit if the names of social clubs are not available. As of April 2024, the Cannabis Act (CanG) has started to legalize legislation. It is a strict regular vor. Bubatz yes, but bureaucratic.

Cannabis Social Clubs Regulation

A club green can be in Prinzip mode. Cannabis Social Clubs gilts like Vereine. The clubs do not stay near debts, playground equipment and youth states using or washing out cannabis. You should have a minimum distance of 200 meters. Zudem dürfen Vereinsgründer nur 500 Mitglieder aufnehmen. Wer 18 years or older is an answer to the Mitgliedschaft question. Der Club entscheidet dann: take or throw. If long, it lasts 21 years, a maximum of 30 grams per month. All others Mitglieder maximum 50 Gramm Cannabis pro Monat, aber höchstens 25 Gramm pro Tag.

Preise pro Gramm und Mitgliedschaft legen de Clubs eigenfest. Laut dem Cannabis-Preisindex 2024 können die Mitgliedschaften zwischen 60 Euro und 160 Euro lie. In Berlin you can enjoy Euro an. A Gramm cannabis became a precious euro in clubs.

Vereinsgründer stehen für major herausforderungen: Mitglieder und Daten verwalten, Anbauflächen finden und for all smart plans. When the Clubs with Cannabis keinen Gewinn machine. Your costs will be greater if you use the amount of cannabis and records for your cannabis deck. Ben Ende entsteht een Nullsummenspiel. Since July you are ready to grow your own cannabis products.

Genau in diesen Herausforderungen wittern Startups Chancen in Markte vorzudringen. Three Beispiele, three Geschäftsmodelle:

Manage it: The startup 420Cloud