
Oktoberfest 2024 on Liveblog – Das war Tag 1 on Wiesn 2024

Oktoberfest 2024 on Liveblog – Das war Tag 1 on Wiesn 2024

“Totalausfall”: A beer celebration at 2:31 PM during the last 24 years of US America

Oktoberfest events are celebrated with the Anzapfen at Paulaner-Festzelt a freer zu ergattern.

Vergleichsweise spät wurde heuer von der Aicher Ambulance the first Bierleiche provided: At 2.31 PM on a 24 Years old Besucherin aus the USA with the Slow, reported Michel Belcijan, Betriebsleiter of Aicher Ambulanz of “dpa”.

The young woman made no attempt to make Belcijan a “Totalausfall”.

The first few days of the week, they die at the Sanitätsstation der Aicher Ambulance at 8.45 am – also a four-day service, before the public transport. A young woman is looking for alcohol in a game war, blieb offen.

Anyone who has left the Aicher Ambulanz will return to the Zahl der Hilfesuchenden after 9 Uhr rasch an. “Viele Besucher kamen mit blutigen Blasen and de Füßen, kleineen Schnitten durch Bierkrüge or der Kreislaufproblemen aufgrund der strong Sonnenstrahlung zu us”, si de Ambulanz in een de Mitteilung.

Make sure you don’t go any further than the Besucherlauf zu den Tischen. A man who takes the blame and points the finger.

Due to an asthma attack a patient in the trauma needs to be treated. The first Trage-Transport starts at 12:03.

At 15:30 there were ready over 150 patients in treatment, so Aicher. The first CT scan on the Wiesn-examination to the Weitertransport in a Klinik: A man has a Sturz a Hirnblutung-zugezogen.

One of the inhabitants of Wies and one of the Bavarians has a great guest in the fresh mornings on the Einlass gewartet – and man with a clear gut for the future: Cleaning personal of the city kehrte am Morgen nor zahlreiche Scherben of Bierflaschen sister, with the exception of other people of the future Wiesn- Warming up.

Round 530 Einsatzkräfte, which achieved the prosperity of defilement in the 55th century and the 16th century, is a fact.

Auf der Wiesn 2023 discussed die Aicher Helfer 8,157 Patients. During this period there was intoxication at the station – alcohol was consumed.