
Ernährung aktuell: Kalorien-Irrtum aufgedeckt – so hoch ist unser Energiebedarf wirklich

We are looking for a valuable energy source for our living environment in our own country. Bislang is a guideline value. But die calculations are not stimmen. Das ergeben neue Forschungsergebnisse. So Kalorien fell braucht ein Mensch wirklich.

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Done at a healthy Fulfillment play Calories a substantial role. Therefore, the reference of 2,000 calories is treated. However, this number should not be stimulated. If there are new insights, a person can be another source of energy.

Also read:

Wrong calorie measurement?

The snake was killed in 2,000 years by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in the 1990s. But of the US-Behörde since they were able to travel abroad. There is a message about the SWR message. Daraus welden sich aber keine validen Daten herausziehen, weil Menschen falsche Angaben zu ihrem Kalorienbedarf machen können. You then have a moderate amount of 2,400 kcal of berechnet. It will not take long and the amount of food will be 2,000 kcal. Ihre Begründung: Sie wollen nicht, dass kleine, schlanke Frauen zu fell Essen. Auch the European Lebensmittelinformationsverordnung empfiehlt this Angabe.

What are my calories?

It is a big question in the energy of life energy. Property would be in kilocalories (kcal) gemessen. This energy is useful for the energy supply of the production of products or products. We can discuss a simple representation of Kalorien here.

Forscher berechnen Kalorienbedarf neu: So vale Kalorien brauchen wir wirklich

Mittlerweile has more robust food and came to all other results. Scientists of the University of Maastricht have had their time, what kilocalories a person was in non-business activities with office or sports activities. If you have to do a study in a small container, you should look at all the things from the table that you can use. Make sure you clean the entire device. The Forscher vacuum cleaners in the carbon dioxide and the oxygen content liquid. The hat Hinweise is in the Calorienbedarf geliefert. If you do the bad things, then the chances are that you get more attention if you sit with people, who often sit.

The Kalorienbedarflegt is the imPhysical Activity Level (PAL) festival. If the Kalorien-verbrauch is like this, the Ruhe-energieverbrauch is with the multiplied physical activity level. In Zahlen it is said that: There is little movement with a PAL value of 1.4. Athletes or other people who are active lie with a PAL-Wert of 2.5. The Deutsche Gesellschaft für Ernährung assesses the Energy Bedarf of Persons ebenfalls with their physical activity level. They are suitable for your PAL value from 1.4 to 1.8. Laut der DGE brauchen Manner zwischen 25 tot 50 Jahren zwischen 2,300 tot 3,000 kcal pro Tag und Frauen zwischen 1,800 tot 2,400 kcal.

So how is the Kalorienbedarf

The Kalorienbedarf does not depend on the active functioning of other factory towers and no longer distinguishes between Tag. Children in the Wachstum, Schwangere and Stillende have a high energy supply, which means that the person is becoming lighter and lighter. So ergeben study, the onset of menopause during menopause is based on the hormonal treatment. Women have spent eight hours their time in this phase of their lives. Next Faktoren beeinflussen den Kalorienbedarf:

  • Braided
  • Change
  • Body size and weight
  • health status
  • Tension
  • Climate
  • Hormone

Kalorien in der Forschung: So beeinflusst Industrie-Essen den Energiebedarf

The calorie consumption has a varied study. A study showed that people can easily estimate how many calories they consume during training or during food. It is true with weight and weight status. Through a study by Kevin Hall of the National Institute of Health (NIH) in the US, people are prepared more by a high nutritional value when prepared with proteins. It is possible that life enters the energy supply.

Editor’s Note: Please note that there is a balanced perception. If the doctor’s help feels like they want to make it, it is only a little bit difficult. There may be an Essstörungen-führen.

Resources used: SWR, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Ernährung, Food and Consumer Product Safety AuthorityStudy: “Calorie estimation in adults differing in body weight class and weight loss status” (2016) (abgerufen am 18.09.2024), Study: “A critical review of the role of food and nutrition in energy balance” (2020) (completed on 18.09.2024), Research on high quality of life and calibration (2019) (abstracted on 18.09.2024)

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