
Luisa Fritsche from Gin House is one of the best bartenders in the world

Luisa Fritsche from Gin House is one of the best bartenders in the world

Dresden. Luisa Fritsche was born in Wiesbaden and is located in Dresden in Zuhause. Here you can find a hint of the Frauenkirche in the Gin House and a great high drinks her. If the power is so good, it takes 26 years before it is the best in the world. First short-term Fritsche went to Asia, to join forces with world-class bartenders. In the DNN interview there is talk of international laws and regulations, which describes a steep career and is interesting in itself. Is it possible for a bartender to sit on private drinks and can he or she drink alcohol more?

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Ask: Frau Fritsche, als Bartkeeperin nehmen Sie an Wettbewerben teil. Was this my highest Auszeichnung?

Luisa Fritsche: The highest Auszeichnung, I have seen, is “World Class Bartender of the Year 2024 Germany”. If you have Leute, then it is so that it goes as well as Weltmeister. It is no longer possible. If man wants to know, the best we can do. If a wettbewerb is won, it is the Weltmeister for this Marke, who gets that wettbewerb in his life.

Vergangenes Wochenende were in Shanghai at international World Class Wettbewerb. Thank you very much if you would like to come to Dresden?

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If a sincere law bewerb is really schwer, it is good to thank the ordnen. If I know a certain level and level in Germany, I can orient myself. Internationally, I was not happy to know which methods were used, which stories would be useful for drinking. Man automatically compares himself with everyone else. Man muss einfach leckere Drinks machen und hinter sich selber stehen. It is known to be known in Shanghai.

Was passive bei solchen Wettbewerben?

Zum Beispiel takes on a challenge that will remain. We should create three drinks, inspired by bartenders from Vergangenheit, Gegenwart and Zukunft. And when I have done that, my bar chefs from Dresden have gone home. Nobody claims to have the name. But whoever helped me, was I am. Niko Pavlidis is the chef at Karl May Bar, Toomas Laur is the bar chef here at Gin House.

What happened in Shanghai?

How will Shanghai continue with his life?

It’s not white. Nur der Eerste Platz und de eight Besten Erase Bescheid. Unser Team war leader niece darunter.

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You can make a journey for 26 years for the wettbewerbe in Asia. The sound after a steep Karriere. Who recommends the Bar?

In Meiner Familie machen all Gastronomy. Once you know what you want, once you practically appeal to your will, woman has the power of manual labor. If I may, if I am an Ergebnis sehe. And the word is Zeit mit Menschen. I remember my own life: If I was a child, I would visit my aunt and my own theater in Munich. Then we will write in four years time Kempinski. There is a war for my clarity: I can make a bad impression in a hotel. Even if the Abi in the Taschenbergpalais Kempinski has authorized my Ausbildung zur Hotelfachfrau. If the Bar Teil meiner Ausbildung was, I would be happy, that I would remain happy. And so I stayed in the Karl May Bar.

“Wichtiger, that’s my family and my friends are with me since”

Rückblickend een zemlich schnelle Entwicklung, or?

I don’t come across this Entwicklung so quickly. In Shanghai I lived a person in my alternative way. It works out well, if it’s a bit maché. This is a natural nonsense. If it’s finally good, then the man is done with 26 days of his life, if the person has a good ending.

When you say, man can do his thing. Do you like this?

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Yes, I am very fond of myself. If the mirror is bigger, my family and my boyfriend are crazy about my sin. And, my bartender Toomas stank of my ist. But that is, that is me.

I am very fond of myself. If the mirror is bigger, my family and my boyfriend will love my sin.

Luisa Fritsche


Want to know if your first loan is even better?

The first drink, in the war being waged in Österreich, is a fact. There is talk of a rauchier whisky, with Rosmarin, Apfelsaft and an Austrian Apfel-Walnuss brand. A stronger drink with a säure and still not so spicy. The guests have a good feeling and a good feeling. If I have only a few drinks, I would like to drink some Selbstzweifel. Aber dann habe ich diesen Drink gemacht. It is a war that is not covered by Erfahrung.

What cocktails do you have?

Cocktails are for people who can be creative, but also the host family can make a drink of their own. If my opinion is about the whole world and the border, chemistry and physics are also not too bad. Zum Beispiel, if it is going to ferment or if it is filtering fluidly. Our hotel manager can look in the kitchen behind the bar and fragments, where he can go to a chemical laboratory.

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Want to find inspiration for new drinks?

Most of the food. If it was likely, it was often the case that the man in a drink could drink deliciously. For example, I may be Asian cuisine. For the active menu, the “Korean Gibson” has been added – a drink with Kimchi-fermented pearl whirls.

Luisa Fritsche presents the fresh gemischte

Luisa Fritsche presents the freshly minted “Korean Gibson”.

Did you have a favorite drink?

If you have an active card, this is your favorite drink from „Celestery“. It is a cocktail with Celery, Apple, Beetroot and Gin. It is spicy, Gemüse to integrate into drinks, without that es nervt. If you drink this drink, it is a good gel. It is an explosion of explosions: Something Herbal, Something Sweet, But Also Sweet and above all the Gemüsige. However, the Gin is in focus and does not go any further. It is not often the case, and drink so perfectly auszubalancieren.

Would you like to have private drinks?

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See rarely. Anyway, then at party night here in Gin House. Each of us has infinitely many bottles of Schnapps to the house. After we had become so fast, we would know that the man sees the Day the sow. My 18-year-old Schwester continued, when I sorted him out. Then you can share the flames of the parties with their friends. If you drink a cocktail, then it is a treat.

In a bar there should be nothing.

Luisa Fritsche


Do you want to drink alcohol?

There can no longer be any alcohol present. It’s not that it’s not that it’s trinke. Manchmal bin ich aber zo überladen von Getränken. Gerade in der Vorbereitung auf Wettbewerbe. If it comes to work, then there is no happiness in it.

Was the trip to Bars?

I am a restaurant that is often very stressful. Man must eat something. In a bar must not be. If you are most separated, focus on the time you have a drink and the money you radiate. It is one of the best things, it is all so that it is so that it is woolen.