
NTA explains the future of Sake-Food Pairing in Munich

NTA explains the future of Sake-Food Pairing in Munich

Am 21. October find a free B2B HORECA+ Veranstaltung statt in Munich. The Sake-Food Pairing is designated by the National Japanese Steuerbehörde (NTA) as exclusive and external.

The elements were created at the event, the modern and modern Japanese Sakelandschaft in combination with Western speisen. Veranstaltungsort ist de Galerie spazioarte (Aventinstraße 1) in Münchener Gärtnerplatzviertel.

Sake als Begleitung zu westlichen Messages

The event starts on October 21st, ready for the next formal event. Entry and registration will be at 11:30 am. After you have been served a Japanese dish, the Sake-Food meal will be officially served at 12:30 pm.

Costumed became funf modern Japanese Sake with “Otsumami”. Here you act with a small purpose, which in Japan is typical for the sake that is obtained. Warnings are given for the event that is Japanese, Western Otsumami.

Another culinary style Mark a tag with the Signature Cocktail that Munich Barista Renat Mersianov creates. Mersianov runs the Pop-Up Kaffeebar Calima and was one of the finalists in the German SCA Captasting.

Business contact points and our own expertise have been further developed

The connection between the pairing starts at 3:00 PM and there will be no further tasting with others. You may want to incorporate Sake’s interests and the trend you want to discuss.

Eingeloaded since Repräsentanten von HORECA-Betrieben und other Unternehmen, für de Japanese Sake als Erweiterungsweise Egänzung ihrer Produktpalette in Betracht kommt (wie zum Beispiel der Großhandel- und Einzelhandel Getränke and der Lebensmittel Delikatessen-, Wein-, Käse, Schokoladen – or Zig sleigh trade ).

The Veranstaltung is a well-located location, a new Geschäftskontakte for knüpfen and its own expertise in Bereich Sake weiter auszubauen.

The Zahl der Teilnehmenden is limited to 30 Persons and is darf for the Neighborhoods of one Person Teilnehmen.

All information about the Sake-Food Pairing and its various components can be found on the official website of the Veranstaltung.