
Schwarzwald: Hotel Sackmann with top gourmet restaurant, spa and Zimmern

Schwarzwald: Hotel Sackmann with top gourmet restaurant, spa and Zimmern

In the family-run Haus in Schwarzwald were the Bundeskanzler Olaf Scholz, the Saudi Princes and other Prominent guests. Our columnists are all busy refining star cuisine

Carsten K. Rath has Grandhotels geführt. There is a ranking of hotel rankings „Die 101 beste hotels“, that is a book in Cooperation with Capital erscheint. Hotels, which are for the capital schreibt, are Rath on own Rechnung.

Carsten K. Rath has managed multi-million dollar Grandhotels. There is a ranking of hotel rankings “The 101 best hotels”, which is a book in Cooperation with Capital appears. Hotels, which are for the capital, are Rath on their own Rechnung.

Baiersbronn, which after the Fläche zwetgrößte Stadt von Baden-Würtemberg, is gilded as a gastronomic hotspot in Germany. Zahlreiche Sterneköche and internationally renowned restaurants have their address here: from the “Black Forest Room” in the Hotel “Traube Tonbach” über the Restaurant of the Hotel “Barreis”, for Claus-Peter Lumpp three Michelin-Sterne purchased, by Jörg Sackmann, from the “Schlossberg “ with a Stern and 17 Punkten in Gault Millau ausgezeichnet wurde.

The Inhaber vom Hotel „Sackmann“, built in 1960, has not achieved success among the Gastro-Elite of the Black Forest region, under the whole of Germany. An Abendessen allein, die schicke ich gern voraus, ist die Anreise wert, die Restaurant hätte in meinen Zwei Sterne deserves. Everything else – the service you offer, the modern spa area, the relaxing Neubau with Blick ins Grüne – is now Tüpfelchen auf dem “i”.

Since last 100 years, the Sackmann family will come to stay in the Nordschwarzwald

Since last 100 years, the Sackmann family will come to stay in the Nordschwarzwald

© Hotel Sackmann GmbH

Since 90 years a good address in the Nordic Black Forest

90 years later, the Besitzer family will come to the Gäste in Nordschwarzwald, with the typical region of Herzlichkeit. On the “Schlossberg” was the preisgekrönten Sterne-Restaurant, is the chef who is the definitive chef, where Jörg Sackmann made his son Nico’s mittlerweile unterstützt.

Now I have through my Job the rare privilege, often in fantastic gastronomic restaurants to be able to eat. But the “Schlossberg” is – together with the restaurant of the “Vier Jahreszeiten” in Hamburg, run by Christoph Rüffer – my new Genuss-Favorit in Germany. Jörg Sackmann bought a brand and an honest feeling, because he had a Vielfalt-subtiler Aromas, which in a wasted art for abzugleiten the art could use. It is a fact that the current from the Frankish Empire has developed into modern Accente and regional facilities.

So Sackmann serves his Schwarzwälder Laughing Forelle with Umeboshi, a Japanese fruit in the Salz, which the April winds up. Another example: The blue blue milk from the Auvergne is complemented by a quick exotic work, caramelized banana.

Modern Gemütlichkeit, a creative menu and delicious wine from the restaurant

Modern Gemütlichkeit, a creative menu and delicious wines from the restaurant “Schlossberg”

© Hotel Sackmann GmbH

Federal Chancellor Scholz and Saudi Princes zu Guest

Gerade in the Black Forest is of course a good man of the menu and the deliberation by sommelier Daniel Dinev is first class. Selten has done with a feinsinnigen, a Fachmann-ausgeauscht, the Enthusiasmus-geradez-werk. Well, maybe a story about the wine with.

At the end of the speisenfolge, in the Wagyu beef, Petersfisch and blue Hummer a delicious role play, the chef personally comes out of the kitchen and in a regular conversation his philosophy. I also learn more about the history of his family: Jörg Sackmanns parents opened a small café as a guesthouse in 1927, which was further developed in the Folgejaarrenstetig. I have been in the Sternek restaurant in 1993 in the gourmet restaurant. Sackmann is the third generation, the guests in Schwarzwald will continue to exist. And the bowls from all over the world: von Bundeskanzler Olaf Scholz is his Saudi prince and various prominent films and films.

Sternekoch Jörg Sackmann continues with his own kitchen, striking Genusspfad

Sternekoch Jörg Sackmann continues with his own kitchen, striking Genusspfad

© Hotel Sackmann GmbH

Frühstück with greater Auswahl

The war of 2019 lasted a year in the rapid 100-year war of the family companies. When the Schwerpunkt becomes clearer from the gastronomy, the Corona pandemic will invest in the hotel. The new building, in the course of my test stays, dates from that phase.

Mein Zimmer, the Junior Suite “Burgfels”, bathed in sunshine, fell through the bodendifs Fenster. From my own loggia there is a wonderful view of the Silberberg. If you can no longer breathe in the rushes and small coils of air, immediately aim for the escape route.

The Mitarbeiter – an der Rezeption, in Restaurant and Spa – is as cheerful, helpful, friendly and nahbar, as people in the Black Forest like. The Frühstücksbuffet looks like the Auslage a sehr guten Bäckerei with a fresh Auswahl and freshly gebackenem Brot and Brötchen. And Jörg Sackmann himself produces the Pfanne für Omelettes, Spiegel- und Rühreier.

Wellness under the open sky in the light of the Sky-Spa in green

Wellness under the open sky in the light of the Sky-Spa in green

© Hotel Sackmann GmbH

Appearance for all sins

Der Genuss ist im Hotel Sackmann jedoch nicht allein with the finest Speisen beschränkt, without any health. Discover more panoramic saunas, the sky spa and an infinity pool with abschalten and relaxation. While we were active, the Black Forest was directly in front of the main building – and some brash Wanderwege, Ausflugsziele, Seen and Berge.

Nun is a part of my life, that her hair in the Suppe finds of müssen. There was a time ago that the “Sackmann” came on the market. If you want to make a connection, the WLAN in Zimmern does not have to be missing. And the SB-Kaffeemaschine beim Frühstück fits in my eyes not so right to come, proactive service, the house set up.

But that is inherently small. There are a few tattoos on the hair, which are on the Japanese apricot in the “Schlossberg”. Nein, ich bleibe bei my Urteil: Das Sackmann is the number one among the German Gourmet-Hotels.

Tips for your clean-up

Alpirsbacher fuel: In the Brewery Museum the Besucher inherited more about the History of the Bieres, in the Kloster Destille man followed the Wandlung von Gerstensaft in Hochprozentiges and in Brau-Laden there were many fluffy Souvenirs. Other: I am “Trauhaus” and have bought a few trinkets from Ja-Wort.

Bad Wildbad: The Kurstadt blocks the years of the High Society of Europe and its Thermal springs. Demented feudal developments are the practical architecture. But with a Baumwipfelpfad and cultural events with the Rossini-Festival-hat of Bad Wildbad and the bourgeois Besuchern fell their beets.

Raths Reise Review

1 Very large cinema

2 If only it were always like this

3 Meckern at a high level

4 So lala, no oh, la, la

5 Better than in the hostel

6 Exceptional travel warning