
Ukraine: Selenskyj bestht auf Freigabe weitreichender Waffen

Ukraine: Selenskyj bestht auf Freigabe weitreichender Waffen

War in Ukraine
Selenskyj bestht weiter auf Freigabe weitreichender Waffen

President Selensky will be happy to settle for a Western Waffen against Arsenal in Russia (Archivbild)

Regularly the Ukrainian Military with Drohnen and Rockets Russian Ammunition Depots and. President Selensky will be happy to join the Western Waffen against Arsenal in Russia (Archivbild)

© Viktor Korotayev/Kommersant Publishing House/AP/dpa

Before he was in the US, Wolodymyr Selensky learned the wisdom of a gun-free period during his work – and referred to one of the most famous gun arsenals in Russia.

Ukrainian President Wolodymyr Selensky has appealed to a Western Waffen who sees the einsatz when he stands in the Russian state territory. “If you have a partner, you will be able to benefit from this and that in the last few weeks, the Ukraine will benefit from a full-fledged Reich independence,” Selenskyj said in the video statement. If you do not work with your own Drohnen or your own Raketen, the Reichsweite may not have any reach. Next week we will travel to Selensky for conversations in the US and will meet another US President Joe Biden.

The Secretary of State for Defense has deployed a number of war soldiers in Russia. “The largest Arsenal in Russia is damaged and is a war between Arsenal and the Besatzer,” says the president. This is where the Secret Service SBU is a Schlag against a Russian Arsenal with tactical rockets and glide bombs geglückt.

Selenskyj thanks the army

“Everything that was Russia for the terror of our city,” said Selenskyj. For these Angriffe seien ausschließlich Waffen aus ukrainischer Produktion eingesetzt. “Oh the Mittel, the unreliable partner that is being established and the last death in the Krieges due to the Russian offensive capabilities that can be deployed in a protective manner,” said Selensky in the Hinblick on the way he attacked the Western partner.

There were ammunition depots in the central Russian area of ​​Tver and in the southern Russian area of ​​Krasnodar more than a hundred kilometers removed from the Ukrainian control area of ​​Drohnen are seized. The Russian army has the Drohnenangriffe in its grip, after the damage has been replayed and the fires exterminated by the Abgestürzte Drohnentrümmer spoken.

Verlet at Luftangriff on Charkiw

Durch Russian Beschuss eines Wohnblocks in der Grenznahen Großstadt Charkiw wurden nach Ukrainian Angaben more as 20 Menschen lost. When I see a child and two young people for eight years, I think of Governor Oleh Synjehubow’s sister in the night at Telegram with. Auch the Bürgermeister der Stadt reported on Telegram from the Luftangriff. More cars are still in Flammen, German people will be evacuated, write Ihor Terechow.

Moscow lehnt Teilnahme und Selenskyjs Friedensgipfel weiter ab

The Foreign Ministry in Moscow reacts to Selensky’s Absicht, Russian trespassers are presented with a second so-called Peace Point. Russian trespassers are not to be taken, says Ministerial Speaker Maria Sakharowa. It is not a real settlement of the conflicts in Ukraine. But Russia has no political and diplomatic responsibility for the crisis and is engaged in the discussion that affects the seriousness of the matter, says Sakharowa. You see the situation “in Boden” and the interest in Russia is poor. If you look at the West, a Fortsetzung of the wars is interesting for you.

In June I gave the German States in Russia and China a first hit in the history of Switzerland. If the criticism occurs, the summit meeting can have no influence. Selenskyj plans a few meetings in November, their treacherous Russia was played with.

Ukrainian Vorwürfe zu Russian Angriffsplänen auf Atomalagen

The Ukraine War Russia Plans of rocket attacks before the winter on nuclear power plants. “If you are concerned with the attack on distribution facilities in nuclear power plants and substations, which are separated for the safe use of nuclear energy”, Foreign Minister Andrij Sybiha writes on Platform X. A fallout at the nuclear power plants can be expanded worldwide. The information of the Ukrainian Secret Service can be used by the International Atom Energy Agency (IAEA).

Russian rocket and drone generators are again dying on energy storage facilities. Ukrainian people can rely on März power plants with an energy capitalization of more than new gigawatts damaged or destroyed. However, there are still hours of power failures in the country. The three areas in the Ukrainian nuclear power plants in the Western European regions and the region of southern Ukraine have had a capacity of 7.8 gigawatts. Damit would have removed half of the Ukrainian stroms.

After the Einmarsch in the Ukraine, Russia has received the largest nuclear power plant in Europe after the South Korean Saporischshja has been occupied. These reactors are equipped with a total of one gigawatt of power that comes from the Sicherheitsgründen-completely heruntergafhren. In the encirclement of the power plants, more and more artillery and war weapons were used. More Ukrainian Rückeroberungsversuche schiterten.

The Russian Policymakers have first received a Freitag of a new, angeblichen Droneangriff on Transformers a Umspannwerks am Kraftwerk-berichtet. Before the IAEA inspection tower searches the next developments. The Ukrainian Energy Ministry goes parallel with the IAEA, also the energy companies and the three companies that Ukrainian nuclear power plants during the IAEA operations against the welds begin.

Ukraine has been fighting a Russian invasion since February 2022.
