
TSV 1860 Munich – News

TSV 1860 Munich – News

The Karlsfelder Hotel Schwertfirm, since 2019 LöwenPartner, has extended its engagement a year later. The family experience has been an optimal atmosphere for the Munich Tower since 1860 in a pleasant and personal atmosphere.

The company of Geschäftsführer Thomas Schwert was at war with an independent company, the Partnerschaft zu Verlängern. “We have Sechzger, we will be Sechzger and will happily buy our Sechzig”, it stated clearly. Schließlich since they were 71 Zimmer eine Reminiszenz der Familie Schwertfirm en ihren Herzensverein. “Wir hoffen weiterhin, as Hotel für die Traditionsmannschaft rege genutzt zu be, a sechzger-Zimmer inclusive de Meisterschaftszimmers mit der Number 66 nor be more authentic zu lassen, indem felle Löwen-Legenden therein nächtigen.“ As a WEISS-BLAUES Partnerhotel you will always stay overnight. Löwen-Größen from Vergangen Tagen, if you find zu zu Events, Gymnastics or Playing in Munich and Environment.

“With our masterclass rooms we have achieved a new direction in 2019. We wanted to do this for all fans and sympathizers of low expectations, who are looking for a different hotel and in terms of service an absolutely more recognized service”, explains Thomas Schwertfirm, “who also nicely set up a “family sisterhood” with the TSV 1860 Munich, “there is a way to do both.” Then because of the high low costs of the Schwertfirm family that the Karlsfelder Hotel has created for fans, who have a longer life of the Heimspielen or the Heimat in the Lieblingsclub so have, as an optimal Quartier an Wochenenden and Matchdays set up.

The 1860-Geschäftsführer Dr. Christian Werner is staying overnight at the Hotel Schwertfirm, which will take care of your auswärtigen Löwen-Fan a Muss. “Dort dreht sich alles um Sechzig. We are happy with our other guests’ hotel hat and with the TSV 1860 Munich identity, so we will be happy to welcome you during the rest of the night.” The hospitality and hospitality are the hospitality of the hoteliers family that is being expanded. “Whoever owns the Schwertfirm Sechzig family and the Partnership is unique. When you say the Tatsache, you will see that the treue stops.”

The Hotel Schwertfirm, founded by Gerda and Peter Schwertfirm 35 years ago, is a great example of modern hotels with 71 large and bright shapes in four categories. Davon sind zehn (Number 60 to 69) as Sechzger-Zimmer with more optical hardware as Reminiszenz and the TSV 1860 Munich gestaltet. A special highlight for low-level fans is the “Meisterschaftszimmer” with number 66. This hotel is located in the traffic areas Adalbert-Stifter-Straße 5 in Karlsfeld, Switzerland Munich and Dachau. Abseits des Großstadttrubels, a fast route in the Münchner Innenstadt, sees the many health and social aspects of the environment.

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