
These descendants see the future generation and

These descendants see the future generation and

The Stepstone-Tochter Universe hat itself Swiss September 2023 and May 2024 about this power: Would the “World’s Most Attractive Employers (WMAE)” also be the world’s most attractive employers? Now the results have appeared.

Gen Z: Do you want to work hard?

In total, 144,237 young people were recruited for the Umfrage, the current Economic Science, Engineering and IT/Informatics studies. The aspects of the investigation were made in new countries, in China, the US and Germany, among other things, recruit and sollten the fragments of savory, while another country does its work in the future.

The ranking of the Arbeitgeber, the Stepstone-Tochter and the Antworten that are there, come with a single Einschränkung: There is a completely uninteresting view, which in the spirit of the new Countries is considered as potential Arbeitgeber. All platzierungen can have an international impact on large quantities of products.

Faith in study: Diese Firmen dominates the Arbeitgeber-Ranking

So when studying the Wirtschaftswissenschaften, as IT companies, Google, Microsoft and Apple share the Spitzenplätze in Ranking, and follow Amazon and Intel. Faith in the Vergleich zum Vorjahr must be installed in both Studienfächern Oracle (Platz 9), BMW (Platz 17) and Accenture (Platz 20).

For the German Wirtschaft is the hierarchy of the old engineers: here they lie between Google and Microsoft in the first place, the three treppchen positions are not on an Apple (Platz 4), below the Mercedes-Benz Gruppe. On the Platz there are eight and eight companies with the BMW-Gruppe, Siemens and Volkswagen and the German Unternehmen.

Deutsche Unternehmen: Platz zwei bei der Innovationskraft

Because the faith in the university rankings was so bad at the study, it was in the Hinblick one of the following Berufsleben that was worth it. In addition to the Arbeitsplatzsicherheit, there are also flexible working conditions and a high income are ​​​​all over the wish list.

The German companies in the ranking can view their study results for everything Workplace safety, work-life balance, innovation capability and innovative technologies. If there was fear of innovation, the American-American companies were still higher than the German candidates in the races.

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