
The Uraufführung «Der Kaiser und die Nachtigall» erobert die Herzen

The Uraufführung «Der Kaiser und die Nachtigall» erobert alle Herzen im Sturm

Voice can no longer cause an incision. The Märli Biini Stans begins the year in the Publikum nach China and gives in his mind his best results.

If you go on holiday as a passenger, you can’t believe it. In the premiere of Märli Biini in Theater en der Mürg it is a surprise that the audience spontaneously goes to the curtain class. The book by Dave Leuthold is a story in a sailing world with magical magic.

Der Kaiser (Adrian Truttmann) lässt sich verzaubern von der Nachtigall (von hinten als Tänzerin, Michelle Röösli).

Der Kaiser (Adrian Truttmann) lässt sich verzaubern von der Nachtigall (von hinten als Tänzerin, Michelle Röösli).

Image: Markus Frömml (Stans, 15. 9. 2024)

Find one of the most popular Palast des Kaisers from China. Magnificent backlit deck ornaments with brocade pattern surround the throne room. While the use of the complete elements offers an optical perspective, the Zuschauer is displayed in the Raum hineinzieht. One of the stufi’s is the place of the King for the silhouette of the Asian anmutende Palastgartens.

Die Nachtigall (left as Tänzerin, Michelle Röösli) and Küchenmädchen Meiying (Michèle Odermatt, Bildmitte) and Freundinnen. Elisa Minutella performs with Querflöte in her bezaubernden Gesang.

Die Nachtigall (left as Tänzerin, Michelle Röösli) and Küchenmädchen Meiying (Michèle Odermatt, Bildmitte) and Freundinnen. Elisa Minutella performs with Querflöte in her bezaubernden Gesang.

Image: Markus Frömml (Stans, 15. 9. 2024)

Prunkvoll, aber steif, rigide en unecht is the Hofprotokoll in that Palace. The Kaiser (wonderfully played by Adrian Truttmann) is a von Hofschranzen, who rode in the world. If you experience an event, this is an unpleasant whole. The natural life of people in the Seele. I have had the time in recent years that Michelle enjoyed the fascinating bird, while she followed from the first hour on the flower that Querflötistin Elisa Minutella followed. If you hold your instrument in your hand in a jiffy, it becomes an artistic creation of nature.

Die Nachtigall (Michelle Röösli, as Tänzerin) bring the Kaiser (Adrian Truttmann, left), Küchenmädchen Meiying (Michèle Odermatt, all right) and the Hofstaat zum Staunen.

Die Nachtigall (Michelle Röösli, as Tänzerin) bring the Kaiser (Adrian Truttmann, left), Küchenmädchen Meiying (Michèle Odermatt, all right) and the Hofstaat zum Staunen.

Image: Markus Frömml (Stans, 15. 9. 2024)

Kale trifft die mechanical nachbildung een Nachtig all in Palast ein: Perfect, immer gleich and seelenlos ist ihr Lied. Artistic imitation of real nature. The Court State draws the Kaiser to the next «Gesang-Battle»: The Verlierer is punished and verbally punished. So jostling, the real Nachtigall in the Zauber cannot fail. “A man cannot command beauty,” look at the friend, the kitchen master Meiying (an authentic Michèle Odermatt), who will tell you. It is the only one, the emperor is a whole.

The Bird comes in and the Kaiser gets to work. Schnell verschwört sich sein verlogener Hofstaat, überzeugend spielt von Lena Spichtig as Haushofmeisterin and Florence Ming as Kulturministerin, gegen ihn. If I see that it is a sight to behold, aber in Wesen gutmütigen Kriegsminister (Lex Friedrich einmal more in a Paraderolle) with his own.

After a rapid development over the years, the Märli Biini will go to the Reich der Mitte

For the first time Franziska Senn, who comes from the Emmentaler and has his own Theater-Productionsgemeinschaft, together with Marli Biini. Your favorite music is stimulating, reduces and finds a perfect rhythm in the right tempo. The piece is black, poetic and delicate, unstoppable in every moment and inspiring with a good portion of humor.

The Hans-Christian-Andersen-Märchen «Der Kaiser und die Nachtigall» is the common Lieblingsmärli of the Ehepaars Ueli Blum and Franziska Senn. Blum, who probably had one of the many Biini influences, transformed the Grundlage of his marches into a Bühnenfassung as Uraufführung and functioned as Dramaturg. Due to the theater association after three years, the Reich der Mitte wants to play as a Spielort, with Ueli Blum das Märchen Dorthin. Doris Filliger wrote the text in the Nidwaldner Mundart.

Der Erfolg is een Gemeinschaftsleistung. Das Ensemble played coarse art, also small roles, so Marianne Friedrich as Oberköchin. Roman Glaser composed various music, mainly in Fünfton-Musik. This densification of the atmosphere of space and the installation of a Chinese Zauber. The songs were broadcast live. From unzähligen Krawatten entwarf Marie-Eve Mérillou original Märchenkostüme: von Asian anmutende Uniformen bis zum Gefieder der Nachtigall.

The Aufeinander splendors of travel agencies Kunstwelt, expert Intelligenz (KI) and Maschinen on the natural, real, beautiful World ist das Thema. They were able to find their own resources in their own way, children would also enjoy themselves. The final results are clear, including the Tanz von Tod and Nachtigall. If you’re scared, Schluss is a Happy Ending.

More information

On November 23, the Märli Biini Stans played «Der Kaiser und die Nachtigall». More information: