
Tränen bei Beatrice Egli: That is behind my emotional feelings.

Tränen bei Beatrice Egli: That is behind my emotional feelings.

It’s praise for Beatrice Egli! The Swiss frohnatur can play a bigger role in the hit songs for a few years – and the moderator can also say that the blonde has been robbed. These years have already started in the 36th century, and everything you can do: “Germany like the Superstar”. Egli is sitting in the frame of the Castingshow 2024 with Dieter Bohlen, Pietro Lombardi and Loredana in the jury…

Beatrice Egli: The DSDS candidates will emerge over time

Who Beatrice Egli herself in the RTL-Show mitteilte, can sing everything through the full singers in her jury members. If the blonde is then the Tränen-kullern, the jewel candidate is a right choice. The 81-year-old Manfred has kept his mind in check, in the second half of the 20th century Staffel von DSDS on Saturday evening (21. September) deutlich became. The hobby singer can be heard for example with “Can You Feel The Love Tonight” by Elton John. But not only that: The candidate aroused emotional memories in the jury.

Beatrice Egli played the DSDS jury with rapper Loredana, singer Pietro Lombardi and Dieter Bohlen.
Beatrice Egli played the DSDS jury with rapper Loredana, singer Pietro Lombardi and Dieter Bohlen.
© imago / APress
Beatrice Egli played the DSDS jury with rapper Loredana, singer Pietro Lombardi and Dieter Bohlen.

from image / APress


DSDS-Jurorin Beatrice Egli: “You have completely erwischt”

Beatrice Egli meinte weinte in Gespräch with DSDS-Teilnehmer Manfred: “I thought that was so beautiful, when you had the other power of the Menschen Mut. And I had the Gefühl, genau das ist es, was the Menschen brauchen, weil das ist Mut And when I look like that, my Grandpa is in the direction.” Weiter painted the Sängerin mit Tränen in den Augen: “That is totally beautiful. You have fully appreciated me.” Die Musikerin verlor ihren Großvater Fritz im Frühjahr 2022. Auch von ihrer Großmutter Margrit must abschied his sich nur few Wochen zovor.

Ralf Schumacher's Friends Etienne Bousquet-Cassagne war ohne seinen Partner pünktlich zum Wiesn-Start in Munich.

Friends of Ralf Schumacher ohne seinen Partner at Wiesn-Start: Who is there?


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Sender schmeißt Bill und Tom Kaulitz raus – neuer Job stht aber fest: …


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Beatrice Egli: Ihre Großeltern were my big fans

Once you feel yourself, then most of the time you are in your Karriere, how you can do it and how you both can show how you can use them. Look how blond it is to look in the jury of the DSDS – and the content will give an ehrliche feedback. Das betonte die “Mein Herz”-Interpretin Anfang September in an Instagram-Posting.

Die Schlagerbekanntheit meinte: “I first had to experience all my experiences together and dared to play their own concerts, make many of my own TV shows, and yet I would be happy to do so, with my knowledge and my experiences as well.”

DSDS: Do you want to see RTL the new Folgen?

Think of Beatrice Egli in the race of “Germany seeks superstar” – Castings are welcome possibilities. The castings have disappeared and took place in Europa-Park in Rust statt. The new DSDS series starts on September 18 and starts at 20:15 on RTL Ausgestrahlt.